Understanding Your Pet Cat"s Behavior
All cat lovers know that a cat is very good at communicating, if you listen and react to your cat, you will forge a strong bond with them.
Learn to understand what your cat is telling you, there are tell tale signs sometimes, if a cat is hissing or backing away then you can be sure that it is wary of something and being defensive.
You can tell a lot about a cat by the way it reacts, you can also tell a lot about a cat by it's eyes, if a cat is content and happy then it's eyes will be half shut or it will slowly blink, on the other hand if a cats eyes are wide open then it is probably a sign that it is angry or in fear.
A cat does not just "meow" there are many different sounds that a cat makes.
A cat will make a very low murmuring sound when it knows that it is in for a treat, some people think this is a purring sound, although purring is normally a sign that a cat is happy, it is not always the case, have you ever noticed that a cat also purrs if it is being handled by a vet or other strangers.
The cat uses different vocal techniques when it is greeting you, or when it is asking to be fed, or even when it wants some attention.
There are the intense vocal sounds that a cat makes with it's mouth wide open, these are normally a sign of fear, anger or pain, some cats seem to talk more than others, if you listen to your cat and compare them to other cats you may see a difference.
Obviously the more time that you spend with your cat, then the more you will understand her and the more she will communicate with you.
Learn to understand what your cat is telling you, there are tell tale signs sometimes, if a cat is hissing or backing away then you can be sure that it is wary of something and being defensive.
You can tell a lot about a cat by the way it reacts, you can also tell a lot about a cat by it's eyes, if a cat is content and happy then it's eyes will be half shut or it will slowly blink, on the other hand if a cats eyes are wide open then it is probably a sign that it is angry or in fear.
A cat does not just "meow" there are many different sounds that a cat makes.
A cat will make a very low murmuring sound when it knows that it is in for a treat, some people think this is a purring sound, although purring is normally a sign that a cat is happy, it is not always the case, have you ever noticed that a cat also purrs if it is being handled by a vet or other strangers.
The cat uses different vocal techniques when it is greeting you, or when it is asking to be fed, or even when it wants some attention.
There are the intense vocal sounds that a cat makes with it's mouth wide open, these are normally a sign of fear, anger or pain, some cats seem to talk more than others, if you listen to your cat and compare them to other cats you may see a difference.
Obviously the more time that you spend with your cat, then the more you will understand her and the more she will communicate with you.