BeeGee: Requiem for a Splendid Cat
"The Beeg" was a small part Maine Coon and a huge part love and devotion. Her fans were legion; everyone loved BeeGee, most of all Sam and Irene, who adopted her from a shelter and lavished love and excellent care on her for the remainder of her too-short life.
Sam described her best:
- She is a sweet heart, a very proper lady and very well behaved. She fits the description of a Maine Coon to a tee. Doesn't meow but gives a little chirp once in a while.
Her sweetness, however, didn't always extend to Ringo and Sir Elton, who shared her home. BeeGee took her role of First Cat in Sam and Irene's household very seriously. The Beeg could be a holy terror to these two interlopers, and never let them forget who was the Boss. Sam wrote in another forum post:
- If it isn't Sir Elton she's wreaking havoc with, it's Ringo with re-directed aggression. Only problem, the Beeg can't catch Sir Elton on her best day. Now she starts picking on Ringo, who is the Muhammad Ali of the cat world. You just have to see his Rope-A-Dope or for that matter his Thrilla-In Manila. But it gets better, once in a while the Beeg will groom Ringo, and on occasion she will smooch with Sir Elton which isn't too often. But all in all, and no kidding aside they're a total joy. I love when they go tearing through the house, one chasing the other. It's just like Roscoe P.Coaltrain (BeeGee) chasing the General Lee (Sir Elton) and but of course Boss Hogg (Ringo) bringing up the rear.
Sadly, BeeGee's reign was destined to be a short one. Except for urinary tract infections, she had been in good health until the Memorial Day weekend, when she suddenly became listless and didn't want to eat. Sam and Irene took her to their regular vet Saturday (he could find nothing wrong), then they rushed her to an emergency vet clinic early Sunday morning, when her symptoms worsened. The news was bad; so bad that The Beeg was not to make it through the weekend.
She did not go to the Bridge alone. Sam and Irene were there to love her and show her the way. BeeGee had already told Sam she was ready to go with the most beautiful little meow, when they visited the night before.
Irene writes, "Goodbye my Beeg. Thank you for four years of fun, laughter, headbutts, purrs and a few swats."
Godspeed, dear BeeGee. You will be sorely missed by all who knew and loved you, but you will be greeted with purrs and loving head-bumps by dozens of other much-loved kitties who are waiting for you.