Are Government Regulators Protecting the Public, Free Markets and Corporations?
We all know we why we have Government Regulators to watch over our businesses; to prevent runaway capitalism they say.
And yet who is running away.
If markets were totally free then obviously if one or more companies started to run away and price gouge some other company would come in and take their place and offer those products or services at a lower price.
True free markets are self healing in that regard, meaning the less regulation the freer our markets are and the leveler the playing fields will be.
Not long ago I had an little bit of an argument on this subject from a law student whom was probably looking for a job with a G-Darn government regulatory body.
The student indicated the typical historical cases of corporate abuse, yet would not listen to the true cause that started the problems in the first place.
You see so often government is the one which ends up granting monopolies and those monopolies which come to be due to their abilities in the market place get their because the consumers or customers vote for them with their dollars.
Of course the wet behind the ears law student told me of this so-called professor of law at the college, so I said tell me has your professor read the following books? Yes or No? Ask if he has read Smoot "Business Side of Government", Thomas J DiLorenzo "How Capitalism Saved America", Ayn Rand "Atlas Shrugged" and Adam Smith.
Any professor of free markets who has not read this material should be fired and stop writing research papers or teaching students in my opinion.
Oh and they need to get a job in the real world and work at a high enough level to see what is really going on out there too.
I certainly hope this article is of interest and that is has propelled thought.
The goal is simple; to help you in your quest to be the best in 2007.
I thank you for reading my many articles on diverse subjects, which interest you.
And yet who is running away.
If markets were totally free then obviously if one or more companies started to run away and price gouge some other company would come in and take their place and offer those products or services at a lower price.
True free markets are self healing in that regard, meaning the less regulation the freer our markets are and the leveler the playing fields will be.
Not long ago I had an little bit of an argument on this subject from a law student whom was probably looking for a job with a G-Darn government regulatory body.
The student indicated the typical historical cases of corporate abuse, yet would not listen to the true cause that started the problems in the first place.
You see so often government is the one which ends up granting monopolies and those monopolies which come to be due to their abilities in the market place get their because the consumers or customers vote for them with their dollars.
Of course the wet behind the ears law student told me of this so-called professor of law at the college, so I said tell me has your professor read the following books? Yes or No? Ask if he has read Smoot "Business Side of Government", Thomas J DiLorenzo "How Capitalism Saved America", Ayn Rand "Atlas Shrugged" and Adam Smith.
Any professor of free markets who has not read this material should be fired and stop writing research papers or teaching students in my opinion.
Oh and they need to get a job in the real world and work at a high enough level to see what is really going on out there too.
I certainly hope this article is of interest and that is has propelled thought.
The goal is simple; to help you in your quest to be the best in 2007.
I thank you for reading my many articles on diverse subjects, which interest you.