How to Get Rid of BV For Good
As you may have already found, bacterial vaginosis is not easy to eliminate permanently.
Certainly, antibiotics and various over the counter remedies may well give you some short term relief but if you suffer from this condition more than 3 times in a year, you are classed as having "recurrent bacterial vaginosis".
If you would like to discover how to get rid of BV for good, you need to understand a little about the condition itself which will help with your treatment strategy.
Bacterial vaginosis is characterized by a foul, fishy smelling vaginal odor which is often watery in consistency and gray or white in color.
In addition, some women also experience unbearable itching or burning around the sensitive tissues of the vaginal area.
These symptoms are caused by an imbalance of the resident bacteria within the vagina.
Normally, the vagina is rich in beneficial bacteria which are mildly acidic in nature and which have a protective effect.
When an imbalance occurs, harmful, alkaline bacteria grows and this causes the unpleasant symptoms.
The key to knowing how to get rid of BV for good is understanding that successful treatment needs to be multifaceted in order to fulfill several requirements.
Treatment needs to * Eliminate harmful bacteria * Enhance levels of "good" bacteria * Provide symptomatic relief * Eliminate root causes Looking at the above requirements, it becomes obvious why one-dimensional treatments such as antibiotics and over the counter remedies are not good long term solutions.
There is no doubt that antibiotics will kill off harmful bacteria.
However, they do not, and cannot eliminate the potential root causes which can be as diverse as over-washing the vaginal area, smoking or even a change of sexual partner.
Indeed, conventional medication cannot successfully get rid of BV, particularly if is it recurrent in nature.
The way forward is to use natural treatments which can tackle all the necessary elements in one go.
There are many different strategies which can be used but examples are as follows.
To eliminate harmful bacteria, you might like to try tea tree oil, with its powerful antibacterial qualities.
To enhance the good bacteria, probiotics can be very helpful and you can get symptomatic relief by using simple substances such as cider vinegar.
To learn how to get rid of BV for good, you need to adopt a robust, tried and tested approach rather than using a number of ad-hoc strategies.
Certainly, antibiotics and various over the counter remedies may well give you some short term relief but if you suffer from this condition more than 3 times in a year, you are classed as having "recurrent bacterial vaginosis".
If you would like to discover how to get rid of BV for good, you need to understand a little about the condition itself which will help with your treatment strategy.
Bacterial vaginosis is characterized by a foul, fishy smelling vaginal odor which is often watery in consistency and gray or white in color.
In addition, some women also experience unbearable itching or burning around the sensitive tissues of the vaginal area.
These symptoms are caused by an imbalance of the resident bacteria within the vagina.
Normally, the vagina is rich in beneficial bacteria which are mildly acidic in nature and which have a protective effect.
When an imbalance occurs, harmful, alkaline bacteria grows and this causes the unpleasant symptoms.
The key to knowing how to get rid of BV for good is understanding that successful treatment needs to be multifaceted in order to fulfill several requirements.
Treatment needs to * Eliminate harmful bacteria * Enhance levels of "good" bacteria * Provide symptomatic relief * Eliminate root causes Looking at the above requirements, it becomes obvious why one-dimensional treatments such as antibiotics and over the counter remedies are not good long term solutions.
There is no doubt that antibiotics will kill off harmful bacteria.
However, they do not, and cannot eliminate the potential root causes which can be as diverse as over-washing the vaginal area, smoking or even a change of sexual partner.
Indeed, conventional medication cannot successfully get rid of BV, particularly if is it recurrent in nature.
The way forward is to use natural treatments which can tackle all the necessary elements in one go.
There are many different strategies which can be used but examples are as follows.
To eliminate harmful bacteria, you might like to try tea tree oil, with its powerful antibacterial qualities.
To enhance the good bacteria, probiotics can be very helpful and you can get symptomatic relief by using simple substances such as cider vinegar.
To learn how to get rid of BV for good, you need to adopt a robust, tried and tested approach rather than using a number of ad-hoc strategies.