The Best Antivirus
Nowadays we are surrounded by computers, software applications that make our lives more comfortable and easy.
The internet has become a way of communication, a place where we can do the shopping and even manage our bank account.
But is it safe? There are so many viruses on the internet! How can i protect my computer and my personal data? First of all let us see what is a virus, a virus is an application, a malware application that can delete, modify, or copy the data or the information stored on a computer.
In order to protect computers and data, software developers created a software called antivirus.
The antivirus detects the viruses and destroy them before they can harm the computer.
On the market there are hundreds of this kind of software, but which one is the best? When we choose an antivirus software we must look for some very important characteristics and the first one is the degree of protection that the software can deliver.
We can't choose an antivirus only because the interface looks nice or for other reasons, we should think that the antivirus software is created for protection.
So, the degree of protection is the most important characteristic of an antivirus software.
On the other hand there are antivirus software that make computers run slower because of the amount of resources they use.
The antivirus is a software that is running all the time to maintain the system stable and virus free, so if the software is using the majority of your resources the performance of the computer will be decreased.
There are also antivirus software that uses a very small amount of resources from the computer and are not able to ensure the protection for the system.
The best antivirus software is the software that delivers high protection using a medium part of the resources of the computer so the performance will not be affected.
Antiviruses can be found over the internet, most of them have trial mode so you can use the software for a limited period of time, about 30 days, in order to see if it is good enough for you.
So try those antiviruses until you find one that suits your computer and update it when needed.
For those who can not afford a premium paid antivirus there are also the free ones offered by several companies.
Besides protecting the computer against viruses, antiviruses have many other features like Anti -Spam feature, or other features that protect you from fraud over the internet.
In conclusion we can say that the most important characteristic of an antivirus software is the degree of protection that the software delivers and that we should be very attentive when choosing the antivirus for our computer.
The internet has become a way of communication, a place where we can do the shopping and even manage our bank account.
But is it safe? There are so many viruses on the internet! How can i protect my computer and my personal data? First of all let us see what is a virus, a virus is an application, a malware application that can delete, modify, or copy the data or the information stored on a computer.
In order to protect computers and data, software developers created a software called antivirus.
The antivirus detects the viruses and destroy them before they can harm the computer.
On the market there are hundreds of this kind of software, but which one is the best? When we choose an antivirus software we must look for some very important characteristics and the first one is the degree of protection that the software can deliver.
We can't choose an antivirus only because the interface looks nice or for other reasons, we should think that the antivirus software is created for protection.
So, the degree of protection is the most important characteristic of an antivirus software.
On the other hand there are antivirus software that make computers run slower because of the amount of resources they use.
The antivirus is a software that is running all the time to maintain the system stable and virus free, so if the software is using the majority of your resources the performance of the computer will be decreased.
There are also antivirus software that uses a very small amount of resources from the computer and are not able to ensure the protection for the system.
The best antivirus software is the software that delivers high protection using a medium part of the resources of the computer so the performance will not be affected.
Antiviruses can be found over the internet, most of them have trial mode so you can use the software for a limited period of time, about 30 days, in order to see if it is good enough for you.
So try those antiviruses until you find one that suits your computer and update it when needed.
For those who can not afford a premium paid antivirus there are also the free ones offered by several companies.
Besides protecting the computer against viruses, antiviruses have many other features like Anti -Spam feature, or other features that protect you from fraud over the internet.
In conclusion we can say that the most important characteristic of an antivirus software is the degree of protection that the software delivers and that we should be very attentive when choosing the antivirus for our computer.