Yo-Yo Dieting, Choices, Diets and Weight Loss
Losing weight is all about never giving up. The person that is a success at weight loss will know that in order to truly achieve weight loss success, the "diet" is never really over. The person who is only trying to lose weight by dieting is doomed to a life of either obesity or a life of yo-yo dieting. It may take a few diet attempts for a person to learn that diets basically do not work in the long haul. What we want you to think about is what your life will be like after your "diet" and you lose your 50 pounds? When you lose the 50 pounds does a bell ring and you will always be able to fit into that nice dress? Chances are you truly will not be able to lose weight for the long haul until you realize that in order to actually be a weight loss success you will have to not only lose the weight but also be able to keep that weight off for the rest of your life. Now that you know true weight loss success is for the long haul think about how that "diet" you are planning stacks up in a year or two?
Are you contemplating a new "diet" plan in the not too distant future? Is New Years bringing another weight loss resolution that you already know you will not keep? One thing we want you to be aware of as you go from failed diet to failed diet is that in order to be a success in the weight loss arena there is no magic pill or weight loss gizmo that you can strap onto your body to make it slimmer. If you want to lose the weight you need to stop looking for some magic cure or expect the weight to just fall off your body because you walked a mile last month. As you make this journey through life you may have gathered a few extra pounds here and there and in order to get rid of them you will need to make a concentrated effort to get rid of the weight. You will need to eat better food choices and also you need to get out and do some form of exercise. This does not mean that you have to train for the marathon; it just means you need to get up and get moving. Walk further to the door at the store. Take the stairs every now and then. Eat better and most of all get an education in what is good and what is bad for your body. Knowledge is power and your education can be free.
We can all come up with excuses as to why we can't lose the weight......I work too long, I have to watch the kids......I have to take care of........and on and on we go. The world still spins and you just keep getting more and more over weight. You know you want to lose weight and yet here you sit and once again you are debating on what needs to be done. This is the time that you need to start gathering the facts of weight loss and health. This is where you need to stop making excuses and start to educate yourself in the field of weight loss. You do not have to be a genius and you do not have to be wealthy, you just have to want.
Wanting to lose weight is the start and now you need to channel that motivation into education. Start gathering knowledge about what health is all about. Start by learning all the benefits of not being obese. Learn what it takes to lead a healthy and normal life. Learn about all of the different diets you have tried and failed. Realize why they failed and learn from that experience. We want you to know that the diets were the failure and not you. We want you to realize that you and you alone hold the power within you to lose the weight you desire. The grand concept needs to be that you have to want it so bad you can taste it! (No pun intended)
Sure many people are overweight and you are one of those people. The thing now is how will you break away from being overweight? How will you permit yourself to allow yourself to do the things needed to make your weight loss a reality? It all comes down to the choices we make and the big question you need to answer is what do you choose for yourself? Do you choose sustained motivation that will attain long term weight loss or do you just try another flash in the pan fad diet?
You know you need knowledge about how to lose weight. A good place to start is a support group and from there you can establish a base of knowledge that will propel your self confidence into allowing yourself to succeed and let that thin person inside you free.
Are you contemplating a new "diet" plan in the not too distant future? Is New Years bringing another weight loss resolution that you already know you will not keep? One thing we want you to be aware of as you go from failed diet to failed diet is that in order to be a success in the weight loss arena there is no magic pill or weight loss gizmo that you can strap onto your body to make it slimmer. If you want to lose the weight you need to stop looking for some magic cure or expect the weight to just fall off your body because you walked a mile last month. As you make this journey through life you may have gathered a few extra pounds here and there and in order to get rid of them you will need to make a concentrated effort to get rid of the weight. You will need to eat better food choices and also you need to get out and do some form of exercise. This does not mean that you have to train for the marathon; it just means you need to get up and get moving. Walk further to the door at the store. Take the stairs every now and then. Eat better and most of all get an education in what is good and what is bad for your body. Knowledge is power and your education can be free.
We can all come up with excuses as to why we can't lose the weight......I work too long, I have to watch the kids......I have to take care of........and on and on we go. The world still spins and you just keep getting more and more over weight. You know you want to lose weight and yet here you sit and once again you are debating on what needs to be done. This is the time that you need to start gathering the facts of weight loss and health. This is where you need to stop making excuses and start to educate yourself in the field of weight loss. You do not have to be a genius and you do not have to be wealthy, you just have to want.
Wanting to lose weight is the start and now you need to channel that motivation into education. Start gathering knowledge about what health is all about. Start by learning all the benefits of not being obese. Learn what it takes to lead a healthy and normal life. Learn about all of the different diets you have tried and failed. Realize why they failed and learn from that experience. We want you to know that the diets were the failure and not you. We want you to realize that you and you alone hold the power within you to lose the weight you desire. The grand concept needs to be that you have to want it so bad you can taste it! (No pun intended)
Sure many people are overweight and you are one of those people. The thing now is how will you break away from being overweight? How will you permit yourself to allow yourself to do the things needed to make your weight loss a reality? It all comes down to the choices we make and the big question you need to answer is what do you choose for yourself? Do you choose sustained motivation that will attain long term weight loss or do you just try another flash in the pan fad diet?
You know you need knowledge about how to lose weight. A good place to start is a support group and from there you can establish a base of knowledge that will propel your self confidence into allowing yourself to succeed and let that thin person inside you free.