Child Custody Help - How To Get Custody Of Your Child
Child custody litigations will always result in favoring the parent in which best protects the child or children. So when parents begin looking for child custody help the best place to start is understanding what benefits their children best and pursuing that. In this article, I'm going to share a few tips that should help.
What benefit's the children best
The judge will want to know which parent will be able to spend more time with the child. If a parent has to rely on child care services more than the other parent, this will be a disadvantage.
If a parent has a bad history including things such as drug abuse, violence and committed crimes, that parent will need to provide a lot more evidence to prove they are fit to care for the child. Proof of being drug-free, attending drug abuse or violence help courses will help a lot.
When searching for child custody help serving the children best, not only is close family important to the children, but extended family, friends and the community. These surroundings in which the child is familiar with and comfortable with will always be considered by the judge.
Children who are around the ages of 12 who express which parent they wish to live with will have their wishes heard and considered by the judge, but it won't necessarily change the judge's decision.
The environment of the children's home will be taken into account and so a clean, stable, loving home is important and also remember that daily routine gives a child structure and a feeling of safety.
Where will the child receive a better upbringing, including schools if the school differs between parents.
When looking for child custody help it is important to shop around for the right attorney. Meet with a few attorneys, but understand that all attorney's will sell themselves as having your best interest at heart, but really they are only there for the money. Remember, this is your kid you're fighting for and you don't want to settle for second best.
Don't risk the pain of losing custody of your child or getting minimal visitation rights. Click Here [] and learn how you can achieve the best custody arrangement for you and your child.
What benefit's the children best
When looking for child custody help it is important to shop around for the right attorney. Meet with a few attorneys, but understand that all attorney's will sell themselves as having your best interest at heart, but really they are only there for the money. Remember, this is your kid you're fighting for and you don't want to settle for second best.
Don't risk the pain of losing custody of your child or getting minimal visitation rights. Click Here [] and learn how you can achieve the best custody arrangement for you and your child.