Taking Care of Your Skin in Today"s Harsh Environment
Walk into any big retailer and you will see a plethora of soap available for very reasonable prices, all will over emphasize their skin loving ingredients but, you have to ask your self is it really worth saving a couple bucks.
Big companies worry about one thing and that is the bottom line and if they can use cheaper ingredients to raise the profit they will, yet the hand-made soaper will use the highest quality ingredients they can find and they take pleasure in the products they create.
Our skin is the largest organ we have and its our front line defense against a hostile environment, we should be treating it better than we do, if we must shower every day then at the very least we should be using a product that will not dry out our skin worse than it already is.
The squeaky clean feeling comes from stripping all the oils from the skin and causes our body to reproduce those oils quickly to compensate for the loss, This comes from advertising that tells us we need to feel this way, hand-made soap doesn't strip the skin, unlike the retail counterpart, handmade soap leave's in the glycerin and even adds essential oils so that our skin is left feeling happy and clean.
Another problem is that most will just rub the soap all over their body, without using any exfoliation aids such as a bath puff or loufa sponge, which allows the dead skin to build up on the outer layer and causes our skin to breath less effectively, one should always use one of these item to make sure removal of dead skin.
Hand made soap is readily available all over the internet and even probably at your local bath shop, by purchasing hand-made soap from these places we also are helping small business survive in America as most are family run.
We all need to just slow down a bit, take that precious time and bathe more often and not just jumping in the shower getting dressed and off to work we go, take time to treat your skin right and it will reward you with a glow of health.
In a world where everything needs to be faster, cheaper and readily available, it causes companies to cut everything to keep the profits rising and hand-made soap is just one way we can combat the world and reap huge benefits from it.
Just remember the skin is the one organ that everyone sees on a regular basis and to keep looking your best you need to pamper it constantly, rather than cover it up with more products, hand-made soap will help you restore balance to your skin.
This is not just a woman thing, unfortunately most men feel they should be rough and gruff feeling on the outside, but this is simply a misnomer, men need the same protection and maybe even more with the harsh environments they are exposed to Give your skin a chance and take a look at using more handmade soap and less of those harsh bars from the super market, the cost is a bit higher but the quality out performs all the super market brands and you will really enjoy it, your skin will thank you.
Big companies worry about one thing and that is the bottom line and if they can use cheaper ingredients to raise the profit they will, yet the hand-made soaper will use the highest quality ingredients they can find and they take pleasure in the products they create.
Our skin is the largest organ we have and its our front line defense against a hostile environment, we should be treating it better than we do, if we must shower every day then at the very least we should be using a product that will not dry out our skin worse than it already is.
The squeaky clean feeling comes from stripping all the oils from the skin and causes our body to reproduce those oils quickly to compensate for the loss, This comes from advertising that tells us we need to feel this way, hand-made soap doesn't strip the skin, unlike the retail counterpart, handmade soap leave's in the glycerin and even adds essential oils so that our skin is left feeling happy and clean.
Another problem is that most will just rub the soap all over their body, without using any exfoliation aids such as a bath puff or loufa sponge, which allows the dead skin to build up on the outer layer and causes our skin to breath less effectively, one should always use one of these item to make sure removal of dead skin.
Hand made soap is readily available all over the internet and even probably at your local bath shop, by purchasing hand-made soap from these places we also are helping small business survive in America as most are family run.
We all need to just slow down a bit, take that precious time and bathe more often and not just jumping in the shower getting dressed and off to work we go, take time to treat your skin right and it will reward you with a glow of health.
In a world where everything needs to be faster, cheaper and readily available, it causes companies to cut everything to keep the profits rising and hand-made soap is just one way we can combat the world and reap huge benefits from it.
Just remember the skin is the one organ that everyone sees on a regular basis and to keep looking your best you need to pamper it constantly, rather than cover it up with more products, hand-made soap will help you restore balance to your skin.
This is not just a woman thing, unfortunately most men feel they should be rough and gruff feeling on the outside, but this is simply a misnomer, men need the same protection and maybe even more with the harsh environments they are exposed to Give your skin a chance and take a look at using more handmade soap and less of those harsh bars from the super market, the cost is a bit higher but the quality out performs all the super market brands and you will really enjoy it, your skin will thank you.