Cruise Electronics And Connectivity
If you are like us, we love our electronic gadgets and frankly can't live without the notion that we MUST be able to CONNECT anywhere anytime!!! Even when we are suppose to be leisurely and relaxing on vacation! Not to worry, most all Cruise Ships today have wireless internet cafe access and some Cruise Lines have Internet connectivity from your stateroom.
If you will be using the Internet Cafes ("cyber cafes") there are charges that vary with each Cruise Line anywhere from $.
35 per minute to sometimes $3.
00 per minute.
If you plan to use the Internet a lot it might be best to check with your Cruise Line to see what Internet use packages they could offer you.
In addition, your cruise sometimes offers their own personal at-sea e-mail addresses for you to use.
However they often charge for this! It's best of course to access your own email account through the Internet.
The good news is (if you can wait!) is to use the many off board port cyber cafes while you sip on a cup of coffee.
There are an increasing number of guests bringing their own laptops, however on your Cruise Ship there will be just designated wireless areas which are limited to two or three places like the pool, or a certain lounge.
Dial-up is still offered in your private cabin from certain lines on Celebrity, Crystal and Holland America.
One line in Carnival called, Carnival Valor now offers wireless connectivity ANYWHERE on the ship.
In this case you can even rent one of their laptops for $20.
00 a day or as we mentioned, bring your own.
You can see where this is leading.
Pretty soon, without a doubt all Cruise Lines will be offering the same endless wireless connectivity.
How could they not? Cruise Lines are realizing at this very moment that there is a huge desire for Internet connectivity and prices are becoming extremely competitive with Princess Cruises at this time offering just $.
35 per minute for use in their cyber cafes.
We have gathered current rates from just a few of the major Cruise Lines (source themselves) for you to get an idea of what to expect and also to allow you to see how important this is to check out while in the planning stages of your first cruise: Disney Cruise Lines: On the Disney Magic and Disney Wonder lines there are eight-station Internet areas.
Guests can email, get the latest weather reports and news and more.
The "Stack" on the Disney Magic and the "Aloft" on Disney Wonder..
kids from ages 13 to 17 can chat on their own stations.
The rates are 75 cents per minute, or $40.
00 to $90.
00 for three to four night UNLIMITED to seven night UNLIMITED access.
Royal Caribbean Voyager and Radiance Lines: On these lines the Internet rate in their Cyber cages is $ .
25 per minute.
However the wonderful news is there is Internet access in each private stateroom.
Here are some quoted rates: $70.
00 for a 4-5 day cruise, $100.
00 for a week's cruise and $130.
00 for up to ten day sailings.
Their Internet Cafe rate is $ .
50 per minute for 12 to 24 terminals.
Windstar: On their Wind Spirit and Wind Star their is e-mail availability only.
Prices for outgoing e-mail can run from $7.
50 (for up to 5,000 characters).
Incoming e-mails, hand delivered to one's stateroom can cost $5.
00 per message and $5.
00 per file attachment! However on their Wind Surf Line there is a business center with eight computers.
The rate here is $1.
00 per minute or you can get a package for $55.
00 for 100 minutes or $100.
00 for 250 minutes.
Calling Home: Most all ships offer telephones in your own cabin.
If for some reason your cabin does not have a phone which is almost unheard of these days then you could use the ships radio phone to connect you however this could be quite expensive.
So why even bother with in cabin phones or ship phones which both are expensive when you can bring your cell phone! Cell rates will vary depending where in the world you are and will of course be reflected by International roaming rates.
Once in port, your cell rates convert to area-specific roaming rates.
Faxing is offered from most all cruise lines.
Learn before you launch which Adaptor Plug Sets,EuroSurges, Voltage Converter ..
and all that fun stuff that you might really appreciate having while cruising.
Your Cruise Director will be happy to inform you before you sail just what on board connectivity is available to you.
Please know that connectivity is becoming more and more state-of-the-art as we speak as people demand the best in communications.
And that we will have!
If you will be using the Internet Cafes ("cyber cafes") there are charges that vary with each Cruise Line anywhere from $.
35 per minute to sometimes $3.
00 per minute.
If you plan to use the Internet a lot it might be best to check with your Cruise Line to see what Internet use packages they could offer you.
In addition, your cruise sometimes offers their own personal at-sea e-mail addresses for you to use.
However they often charge for this! It's best of course to access your own email account through the Internet.
The good news is (if you can wait!) is to use the many off board port cyber cafes while you sip on a cup of coffee.
There are an increasing number of guests bringing their own laptops, however on your Cruise Ship there will be just designated wireless areas which are limited to two or three places like the pool, or a certain lounge.
Dial-up is still offered in your private cabin from certain lines on Celebrity, Crystal and Holland America.
One line in Carnival called, Carnival Valor now offers wireless connectivity ANYWHERE on the ship.
In this case you can even rent one of their laptops for $20.
00 a day or as we mentioned, bring your own.
You can see where this is leading.
Pretty soon, without a doubt all Cruise Lines will be offering the same endless wireless connectivity.
How could they not? Cruise Lines are realizing at this very moment that there is a huge desire for Internet connectivity and prices are becoming extremely competitive with Princess Cruises at this time offering just $.
35 per minute for use in their cyber cafes.
We have gathered current rates from just a few of the major Cruise Lines (source themselves) for you to get an idea of what to expect and also to allow you to see how important this is to check out while in the planning stages of your first cruise: Disney Cruise Lines: On the Disney Magic and Disney Wonder lines there are eight-station Internet areas.
Guests can email, get the latest weather reports and news and more.
The "Stack" on the Disney Magic and the "Aloft" on Disney Wonder..
kids from ages 13 to 17 can chat on their own stations.
The rates are 75 cents per minute, or $40.
00 to $90.
00 for three to four night UNLIMITED to seven night UNLIMITED access.
Royal Caribbean Voyager and Radiance Lines: On these lines the Internet rate in their Cyber cages is $ .
25 per minute.
However the wonderful news is there is Internet access in each private stateroom.
Here are some quoted rates: $70.
00 for a 4-5 day cruise, $100.
00 for a week's cruise and $130.
00 for up to ten day sailings.
Their Internet Cafe rate is $ .
50 per minute for 12 to 24 terminals.
Windstar: On their Wind Spirit and Wind Star their is e-mail availability only.
Prices for outgoing e-mail can run from $7.
50 (for up to 5,000 characters).
Incoming e-mails, hand delivered to one's stateroom can cost $5.
00 per message and $5.
00 per file attachment! However on their Wind Surf Line there is a business center with eight computers.
The rate here is $1.
00 per minute or you can get a package for $55.
00 for 100 minutes or $100.
00 for 250 minutes.
Calling Home: Most all ships offer telephones in your own cabin.
If for some reason your cabin does not have a phone which is almost unheard of these days then you could use the ships radio phone to connect you however this could be quite expensive.
So why even bother with in cabin phones or ship phones which both are expensive when you can bring your cell phone! Cell rates will vary depending where in the world you are and will of course be reflected by International roaming rates.
Once in port, your cell rates convert to area-specific roaming rates.
Faxing is offered from most all cruise lines.
Learn before you launch which Adaptor Plug Sets,EuroSurges, Voltage Converter ..
and all that fun stuff that you might really appreciate having while cruising.
Your Cruise Director will be happy to inform you before you sail just what on board connectivity is available to you.
Please know that connectivity is becoming more and more state-of-the-art as we speak as people demand the best in communications.
And that we will have!