Understanding the Maze of Healthy Fats Vs Bad Fat
People hear the word fat and they think bad for your health.
This happened because there was so much conflicting information that if you were not a nutritionist you could not understand the meaning of what is fat.
And with this confusion most people just decided to cut all fat from their diet.
Some have even gone as far as to say not even low-fat; they just want a diet of no fat period.
But is having a diet of no fat really healthy? What is the real meaning or importance of having fat in your diet? Well let us take a closer look at the fat issue and see if all fats are the same.
A closer look at fats reveals that there are some fat that we really need to eliminate from our diet.
These are the fats that you just should really just cut from your diet altogether.
These fats are called saturated fats.
Saturated fats are most found in meat and high dense dairy products.
This simple means that if you are going to be eating meat you should be looking for the leaner cuts, without all the fat.
When eating dairy you want to choose low fat dairy products to loser your intake of saturated fat.
Another bad fat that you should be avoiding are trans fat.
Trans fat largely found in some margarines, cakes and fried foods such as chips.
Almost most baked product that is store bought will have some amount of trans fat in them.
So when shopping you have to practice to read labels.
Both saturated fat and trans fat have the propensity to raise your cholesterol level and clog your arteries.
These fats are a dieter worst nightmare.
You want to avoid these foods that may contain these fats because these will definitely load on the pounds.
But not because these fats are bad does not mean that all fat is bad.
The good fast that you should be consuming is unsaturated fats.
Unsaturated fats can be found in fish such as salmon and tuna just to name a few.
Another source of unsaturated fat is plants, these fats are essential for your health.
Even though you might hear the term fat, remember that there is good fat and bad fat.
And even though you might be tempted to avoid fats you have to understand that the bad fats should be avoided but the good fat are needed to ensure that you maintain good health.
With this in mind, try to start adding more fish to your diet that way you will ensure that you are getting the good fats and staying away from the horrible fats.
This happened because there was so much conflicting information that if you were not a nutritionist you could not understand the meaning of what is fat.
And with this confusion most people just decided to cut all fat from their diet.
Some have even gone as far as to say not even low-fat; they just want a diet of no fat period.
But is having a diet of no fat really healthy? What is the real meaning or importance of having fat in your diet? Well let us take a closer look at the fat issue and see if all fats are the same.
A closer look at fats reveals that there are some fat that we really need to eliminate from our diet.
These are the fats that you just should really just cut from your diet altogether.
These fats are called saturated fats.
Saturated fats are most found in meat and high dense dairy products.
This simple means that if you are going to be eating meat you should be looking for the leaner cuts, without all the fat.
When eating dairy you want to choose low fat dairy products to loser your intake of saturated fat.
Another bad fat that you should be avoiding are trans fat.
Trans fat largely found in some margarines, cakes and fried foods such as chips.
Almost most baked product that is store bought will have some amount of trans fat in them.
So when shopping you have to practice to read labels.
Both saturated fat and trans fat have the propensity to raise your cholesterol level and clog your arteries.
These fats are a dieter worst nightmare.
You want to avoid these foods that may contain these fats because these will definitely load on the pounds.
But not because these fats are bad does not mean that all fat is bad.
The good fast that you should be consuming is unsaturated fats.
Unsaturated fats can be found in fish such as salmon and tuna just to name a few.
Another source of unsaturated fat is plants, these fats are essential for your health.
Even though you might hear the term fat, remember that there is good fat and bad fat.
And even though you might be tempted to avoid fats you have to understand that the bad fats should be avoided but the good fat are needed to ensure that you maintain good health.
With this in mind, try to start adding more fish to your diet that way you will ensure that you are getting the good fats and staying away from the horrible fats.