For Couples - The 7 Natural Aphrodisiacs For Active Sex
Do you miss those sexy, curious, early days when you are newly in love? These 7 tips can sure help you to bring back and relive those good old days.
(1) Pump up the adrenaline Adrenaline can act as an aphrodisiac for a committed relationship.
It can inject some oomp into otherwise stale and ordinary days which tend to happen in a long-term relationship.
When you stimulate your body, this will have a trickle down effect of stimulating both your mind and emotions.
Do something extraordinary with your partner.
This will show your partner how much you care.
Give bungee jumping, roller-coaster riding or watching horror movies, a try, if you dare.
If you find that this is too extreme, you may consider horseback riding, go-karting, sampling exotic cuisines, enrolling for dancing or yoga classes or travelling to some exotic places together.
(2) Sexy talk Whispering sweet words into his/her ears, sending sexy text messages to let your partner know he/she is on your mind when you are apart, can increase the emotional connection between the both of you.
Sexting is a great way for committed couples to flirt with each other and make each other smile.
It is also a good way to build anticipation which acts like mental foreplay that could later lead to the physical kind, too.
(3) Encourage 2-way talking It is essential to have a real conversation at least once a week.
This should go beyond the day-to-day type of topics.
Couples who communicate well with one another and share activities together are often more active in sex.
Before spicing things up with toys or sexy lingerie, work on your communication skills.
Besides talking, you also need to know how to listen, to keep the 2-way communication open.
Pay attention to body language too.
When you need your partner to do something or to make some changes, you package your request in the form of compliment such as "I really enjoy very much when you go for an evening walk to the park with me.
" This will avoid the request from becoming like a complaint which can trigger defensive behavior.
Try to detach your emotions from the conversation.
In times of strain these will be heightened which could lead to further conflict as you will be hypersensitive to remarks.
If you are particularly upset about something, it will be better to vent out your frustration on paper rather than blurting it out.
This will allow you to release any negative emotions as well as giving you the time and chance to organize your thoughts so that you can present your issue in a non-confrontational way.
(4) Show appreciation and support Besides saying, "I love you", do not forget to say "thank you" to show your appreciation for the nice, little things he/she did for you.
Remember to give compliments to let your partner know you still find him/her physically and emotionally attractive.
Volunteer to help out if you can, when your partner is being overwhelmed with too many things on hand.
Such nice, little, thoughtful daily gestures can have a cumulative effect to strengthen the foundation of your relationship, reducing the chances of breaking up when the relationship is under stress by some unexpected happenings.
The wonderful thing is these acts of consideration and appreciation do not cost you any.
(5) More kisses Do you still remember those days when you were dating him/her, you often kissed each other when you met or when you were about to leave? Besides being an act of intimacy, the way you kiss can make or break a woman's feelings for you.
Kissing becomes a forgotten act for many couples in long-term relationships, unless this occurs during foreplay.
Couples who kiss regularly tend to have sex more often.
Most important, you kiss not just for the sake of initiating sex, but because you love and enjoy the feeling of kissing him/her.
(6) Maintain eye contact when having sex Eye contact immediately raises the intimacy level of any sexual act.
Closing your eyes can sometimes send the wrong message that you are only present physically, but not emotionally or spiritually.
Keeping your eyes open and looking directly into him/her assures your partner that it is he/she that is turning you on in the particular moment.
(7) Trying new things in the bedroom Most people would love their partner to suggest something new to spice things up.
Couples tend to stuck into a few things that they know and stop experimenting.
But the brain is the biggest sex organ and any time you try something new, you are stimulating the brain's natural desire for novelty.
(1) Pump up the adrenaline Adrenaline can act as an aphrodisiac for a committed relationship.
It can inject some oomp into otherwise stale and ordinary days which tend to happen in a long-term relationship.
When you stimulate your body, this will have a trickle down effect of stimulating both your mind and emotions.
Do something extraordinary with your partner.
This will show your partner how much you care.
Give bungee jumping, roller-coaster riding or watching horror movies, a try, if you dare.
If you find that this is too extreme, you may consider horseback riding, go-karting, sampling exotic cuisines, enrolling for dancing or yoga classes or travelling to some exotic places together.
(2) Sexy talk Whispering sweet words into his/her ears, sending sexy text messages to let your partner know he/she is on your mind when you are apart, can increase the emotional connection between the both of you.
Sexting is a great way for committed couples to flirt with each other and make each other smile.
It is also a good way to build anticipation which acts like mental foreplay that could later lead to the physical kind, too.
(3) Encourage 2-way talking It is essential to have a real conversation at least once a week.
This should go beyond the day-to-day type of topics.
Couples who communicate well with one another and share activities together are often more active in sex.
Before spicing things up with toys or sexy lingerie, work on your communication skills.
Besides talking, you also need to know how to listen, to keep the 2-way communication open.
Pay attention to body language too.
When you need your partner to do something or to make some changes, you package your request in the form of compliment such as "I really enjoy very much when you go for an evening walk to the park with me.
" This will avoid the request from becoming like a complaint which can trigger defensive behavior.
Try to detach your emotions from the conversation.
In times of strain these will be heightened which could lead to further conflict as you will be hypersensitive to remarks.
If you are particularly upset about something, it will be better to vent out your frustration on paper rather than blurting it out.
This will allow you to release any negative emotions as well as giving you the time and chance to organize your thoughts so that you can present your issue in a non-confrontational way.
(4) Show appreciation and support Besides saying, "I love you", do not forget to say "thank you" to show your appreciation for the nice, little things he/she did for you.
Remember to give compliments to let your partner know you still find him/her physically and emotionally attractive.
Volunteer to help out if you can, when your partner is being overwhelmed with too many things on hand.
Such nice, little, thoughtful daily gestures can have a cumulative effect to strengthen the foundation of your relationship, reducing the chances of breaking up when the relationship is under stress by some unexpected happenings.
The wonderful thing is these acts of consideration and appreciation do not cost you any.
(5) More kisses Do you still remember those days when you were dating him/her, you often kissed each other when you met or when you were about to leave? Besides being an act of intimacy, the way you kiss can make or break a woman's feelings for you.
Kissing becomes a forgotten act for many couples in long-term relationships, unless this occurs during foreplay.
Couples who kiss regularly tend to have sex more often.
Most important, you kiss not just for the sake of initiating sex, but because you love and enjoy the feeling of kissing him/her.
(6) Maintain eye contact when having sex Eye contact immediately raises the intimacy level of any sexual act.
Closing your eyes can sometimes send the wrong message that you are only present physically, but not emotionally or spiritually.
Keeping your eyes open and looking directly into him/her assures your partner that it is he/she that is turning you on in the particular moment.
(7) Trying new things in the bedroom Most people would love their partner to suggest something new to spice things up.
Couples tend to stuck into a few things that they know and stop experimenting.
But the brain is the biggest sex organ and any time you try something new, you are stimulating the brain's natural desire for novelty.