Discover The Sacred And Mystical Adams Peak
Sacred to three major religions in the world, the Adams Peak or Sri Pada is known to be a mountain of mystical secrets. The Buddhists believe that the human footmark at the summit is that of the Buddha; it is therefore a destination for thousands of Buddhist pilgrims every year. Muslims believe the solitary footprint is that of Adam, created when he had to stand on one foot as a thousand years of penance for his disobedience at the Garden of Eden. Hindus, who have been paying reverence to the mountain for millennia call it Sivan Adi Padham, for they believe the print is that of Lord Siva. Whichever your belief is, everyone who reaches the summit at sunrise pays special tribute to the sun at a worship ceremony, and this is where you can witness the most panoramic sunrises.
Adams Peak attracts mountain climbers, pilgrims, explorers and tourists alike. It is a destination, which evokes a sense of mystery and secrecy, while offering unparalleled views of pure magical splendour. The hills which surround the mountain are equally spectacular and there is much bio diversity and natural beauty to be awe-inspired of. Four of the countrys main rivers spring from Adams Peak. The mountain rises to a height of 2250 metres and has a stairway of 5000 steps leading to the peak. Ceylon Tea Trails, offers exclusive excursions to Adams Peak. It is approximately an hours drive from the Tea Trails bungalows.
The annual pilgrimage season of Adams Peak is from December to May. During this season pilgrims climb the mountain to pay homage to the sacred footprint at the summit. You can climb the mountain at other times of the year too, and Ceylon TeaTrails will get you there during the non-pilgrimage seasons as well. No other mountain in the world receives veneration from devotees from three major religions of the world, and the elating adventure of reaching its top is worth every effort. Enjoy a luxurious Holiday at Tea Trails and join this phenomenal excursion to experience the mysticism of a journey that many have taken for thousands of years.
Adams Peak attracts mountain climbers, pilgrims, explorers and tourists alike. It is a destination, which evokes a sense of mystery and secrecy, while offering unparalleled views of pure magical splendour. The hills which surround the mountain are equally spectacular and there is much bio diversity and natural beauty to be awe-inspired of. Four of the countrys main rivers spring from Adams Peak. The mountain rises to a height of 2250 metres and has a stairway of 5000 steps leading to the peak. Ceylon Tea Trails, offers exclusive excursions to Adams Peak. It is approximately an hours drive from the Tea Trails bungalows.
The annual pilgrimage season of Adams Peak is from December to May. During this season pilgrims climb the mountain to pay homage to the sacred footprint at the summit. You can climb the mountain at other times of the year too, and Ceylon TeaTrails will get you there during the non-pilgrimage seasons as well. No other mountain in the world receives veneration from devotees from three major religions of the world, and the elating adventure of reaching its top is worth every effort. Enjoy a luxurious Holiday at Tea Trails and join this phenomenal excursion to experience the mysticism of a journey that many have taken for thousands of years.