Cat Memorials and Picture Gallery: Demi
Demi was my little girl and princess. I saw her at the Dumb Friends League in Denver,CO 14 years ago. At that time she was 2 and only 2 lbs. and sick. They told told me she wasn't very friendly, but when I sat down she came right up and sat in my hand-I knew then she was my kitty soul mate. I got her back to health and and we gave each other our full hearts for 12 great years. She loved sitting in the sun, snuggling cat nip, and having me hold her as she would give me hugs watching TV.
She passed 4/28/07 from heart failure and I am wrecked over it!
I love her and will miss her til I see her on Rainbow Bridge! "Listen for our special whistle Dem!"
She passed 4/28/07 from heart failure and I am wrecked over it!
I love her and will miss her til I see her on Rainbow Bridge! "Listen for our special whistle Dem!"