Women Are Going "Up Above in the Sky"
The history of mankind have seen a lot of ups and downs, it took thousands of years to reach from the Stone Age to the modern era.
If we look into the history, we see women and their continuous struggle for rights in male dominant societies.
Although struggle for basic rights still continues, even today in various part of this world women are kept under male supremacy and sexual violence.
With continuous struggle and hard work, women have achieved a lot.
Let's discuss some of the successes of modern women first: 1)Now women have turned the space traveling dream into reality 2)Now women are successful doctors 3)Now women are part of the American army 4)Women are active members of mass media and journalism Women have achieved so much but still they have to go" Up Above In The Sky", for that purpose they have to achieve something which is known as "exceptional-undeniable".
They still have to prove this world that A woman is the name of "honesty" and "passion", A woman is the name of "commitment" and "binding force".
Time will come when women will prove themselves successful entrepreneurs and time will come when richest entrepreneur in this word will not be any one else but an innocent, brave, honest and hard working woman.
Internet world have made things a lot more easier for women, now they can run a profitable e- business just by spending few hours in front of their computers..
In the end I would like to give my tribute to all those women who have scarified their lives for their and their next generation's rights.
If we look into the history, we see women and their continuous struggle for rights in male dominant societies.
Although struggle for basic rights still continues, even today in various part of this world women are kept under male supremacy and sexual violence.
With continuous struggle and hard work, women have achieved a lot.
Let's discuss some of the successes of modern women first: 1)Now women have turned the space traveling dream into reality 2)Now women are successful doctors 3)Now women are part of the American army 4)Women are active members of mass media and journalism Women have achieved so much but still they have to go" Up Above In The Sky", for that purpose they have to achieve something which is known as "exceptional-undeniable".
They still have to prove this world that A woman is the name of "honesty" and "passion", A woman is the name of "commitment" and "binding force".
Time will come when women will prove themselves successful entrepreneurs and time will come when richest entrepreneur in this word will not be any one else but an innocent, brave, honest and hard working woman.
Internet world have made things a lot more easier for women, now they can run a profitable e- business just by spending few hours in front of their computers..
In the end I would like to give my tribute to all those women who have scarified their lives for their and their next generation's rights.