School Project Ideas for Chocolate Factories
- Use chocolate factory projects to enhance classroom discussion.chocolate image by AGITA LEIMANE from
Many children enjoy chocolate, whether it is a candy bar, a cookie or a piece of chocolate cake. You can use this fascination with chocolate to gain children's attention and teach them about the manufacturing process, specifically in chocolate factories. A few project ideas that will do just this include creating a chocolate cookbook, simulating a chocolate factory and designing blueprints. - Students can learn about the research and development that is involved with creating new chocolate products by developing their own. As a group, students can brainstorm a variety of products that a chocolate factory might manufacture. It is important that in the brainstorming process, no idea is criticized. Once the class has compiled a list, students can choose the ones they'd like to develop further. Students can produce those products that are on the final list as a class project and taste test them in class. The class can then create the cookbook from the recipes for products that pass the taste test.
- Choose one chocolate recipe as a product for a simulated factory. This should be an item that has multiple steps, such as a frosted chocolate cupcake. Give students different responsibilities within the factory. The students in the mixing, baking and frosting departments would mix, bake and frost the cupcakes. The students in the packaging department might tie up each cupcake into a sandwich bag. The forklift driver would bring the product from one department to the next. Students will learn about work in process and how different items can be added in the middle of the production process. They will also see how different departments work together.
- Students can work in teams to create a set of blueprints for a new chocolate factory. They need to consider the manufacturing process ahead of time to understand what areas they need to include in the blueprint. For younger children, just give them a list of what areas to include. Older children can do research to decide which areas to include in their factories. Using a large poster board, each team marka off the rooms or areas to designate where each area is in the factory. Once they have completed the blueprints, students can share their own designs with those of their classmates. The students should share why they placed each area in its location and why they created it the size it is relative to the other areas.
Chocolate Cookbook
Simulated Factory