How to Celebrate Easter as an Orthodox Christian
1Orthodox Easter Celebrations start the same as everyone else, with Palm Sunday Services. During Palm Sunday Celebrations it is the beginning of Passover. At the end of the service all attendees receive a palm from the priest that has been fashioned in the form of a cross.
Most Catholics will attend Ash Wednesday services; Ash Wednesday is conducted around a month before Easter week. The Orthodox Christians have almost the same thing, however they go to Church on Holy Wednesday and instead of ashes we receive a blessing of virgin olive oil on their foreheads and the palms of their hands.
On Holy Thursday evening, the services include a representation of the crucifixion and that is when the symbolic mourning begins.
The holiest day of the week is Good Friday. This is a day of mourning, when the death of Christ is mourned and this is a time when the lamentations are sung at night. Good Friday services are a re-enactment of the crucifixion of Christ. During the afternoon service, the figure of Christ is removed from the cross and placed on the Epitaphio. The Epitaphio is a shrine that is covered in white carnations and white roses. There are candles that adorn the top to the Epitaphio. The Epitaphio represents the tomb of Christ. The congregation joins the choir in the lamentations for Christ. When the lamentations are concluded, the entire congregation exits the church and the funeral procession is conducted. The Epitaphio is carried before the congregation, the choir follows and then the alter boys carrying the lamps and lanterns into the streets. At the cathedral, the police will cordon off the streets directly surrounding the Church for the Holy procession. The procession will stop at each corner, announcing to the world, North, South, East and West, that they are Christians and are mourning the passing of Christ. Everyone carries a candle through the silent procession. After Good Friday services everyone is given a carnation or a rose from the Epitaphio to take home.
Holy Saturday is almost the same as the Roman Catholics. There is a midnight service in which all the lights within the church are extinguished, the priest comes out at midnight with a white candle and he goes to the door of the church to announce to the world that Christ has risen. The congregation all have white candles and from the single flame of the priest candle the world is symbolic lit up. The Midnight Service of the Resurrection should normally be attended by all members of the Greek Orthodox family.
After the service on Saturday night, members are all given red dyed eggs. Red is the color of life and is suppose to ward off evil while also standing as a symbol of Christ's victory over death.
Easter Sunday, they meet with family and friends to celebrate Christ’s victory over death. Upon greeting a friend or relative on this Holy Day you would say “Christos Aneste” meaning Christ has risen, the reply would be “Alethos Aneste” meaning “It is true, He has Risen.” The family will break the fast and celebrate with flowers and a wonderful dinner.