Essential Playground Safety Every Parent Should Know
Part of being a kid is playing outdoors and that is a great way to get exercise and build strong muscles. The sad part is that so many young ones suffer each year from injuries on the playground that could have been prevented. As a parent or a caregiver of youngsters, it is important to know some safety rules and things to look for when choosing a safe playground.
Playground safety begins before leaving the house. Proper dress is part of essential playground safety. A child should not be wearing baggy clothing, there should be no drawstrings on any part of the clothing, and the child should have on tennis shoes. This means no sandals because they are not good for climbing or running in. Drawstrings can be caught on equipment and cause a strangling hazard.
When choosing a safe playground there is many things to look for. Many injuries are caused from falls so check to see what kind of material is being used to soften the ground around play areas. Most playgrounds are now using wood chips, pea gravel, and even rubber mats to make the area safer. Hopefully, you will be able to find one that has these features. There should be no standing water under the swings or slide either- a child could fall face first in it.
Remember to take the age of your child into consideration. If there is no age appropriate equipment for your toddler, it is probably a good idea to find a different playground. Try to keep your toddler as close to the ground as possible. Toddlers should always be placed in a swing made specifically for them. Leave the regular seats for children five years and up! Always inspect the swings first to make sure they are spaced far enough apart to avoid collisions and make sure that there are no open areas such as S hooks or chains that can trap small fingers.
A quick glance at the slide to make sure there are no worn parts and the ladder is at the right angle for climbing is recommended before letting your little one play on it. If it is a metal slide, make sure it is not too hot for your child to safely slide down without being burned. Most playgrounds have changed to the cooler materials and removed the metal slides; however, there are still some around.
Climbing equipment such as forts, tree houses, and obstacle courses must have handrails and side railings to help prevent falling off the platforms. The openings should be large enough to prevent trapping feet and hands. Other openings should be large enough to keep from trapping a child's head.
The most important of all essential playground safety is adult supervision! Stay close to your young one and avoid having conversations on your cell phone. It only takes a few seconds for an accident to occur! By following the safety tips, you will have fun with your youngster and have peace of mind that playtime will be as safe as possible.
Written on behalf of Little Outdoor Toys - The Outdoor Toys Experts
Playground safety begins before leaving the house. Proper dress is part of essential playground safety. A child should not be wearing baggy clothing, there should be no drawstrings on any part of the clothing, and the child should have on tennis shoes. This means no sandals because they are not good for climbing or running in. Drawstrings can be caught on equipment and cause a strangling hazard.
When choosing a safe playground there is many things to look for. Many injuries are caused from falls so check to see what kind of material is being used to soften the ground around play areas. Most playgrounds are now using wood chips, pea gravel, and even rubber mats to make the area safer. Hopefully, you will be able to find one that has these features. There should be no standing water under the swings or slide either- a child could fall face first in it.
Remember to take the age of your child into consideration. If there is no age appropriate equipment for your toddler, it is probably a good idea to find a different playground. Try to keep your toddler as close to the ground as possible. Toddlers should always be placed in a swing made specifically for them. Leave the regular seats for children five years and up! Always inspect the swings first to make sure they are spaced far enough apart to avoid collisions and make sure that there are no open areas such as S hooks or chains that can trap small fingers.
A quick glance at the slide to make sure there are no worn parts and the ladder is at the right angle for climbing is recommended before letting your little one play on it. If it is a metal slide, make sure it is not too hot for your child to safely slide down without being burned. Most playgrounds have changed to the cooler materials and removed the metal slides; however, there are still some around.
Climbing equipment such as forts, tree houses, and obstacle courses must have handrails and side railings to help prevent falling off the platforms. The openings should be large enough to prevent trapping feet and hands. Other openings should be large enough to keep from trapping a child's head.
The most important of all essential playground safety is adult supervision! Stay close to your young one and avoid having conversations on your cell phone. It only takes a few seconds for an accident to occur! By following the safety tips, you will have fun with your youngster and have peace of mind that playtime will be as safe as possible.
Written on behalf of Little Outdoor Toys - The Outdoor Toys Experts