Lose Stomach Fat - Eat Food Rich in Water
Everybody knows it's important to drink plenty of water.
But instead of just putting the liquid in the glass, fill your plate with it! A survey done in the United Sates showed that food rich in water are most effective for those who want to lose stomach fat and weight.
This is because these food have the power to remove the fat, especially around the stomach area.
The researchers studied two groups of overweight individuals who consumed the same number of calories.
One group ate more food with high water content.
After six months, people in that group eliminated about 2 pounds more than the group who had a more dry diet.
But the biggest benefit was: the high content water diet group lost on average twice more around the stomach area.
A diet rich in water content definitely helped the group of individuals to lose stomach fat quicker.
This happened because the water food helps lower blood sugar levels and reduces the amount of insulin.
When insulin goes down, the body begins to burn its fat stores.
And it starts just in the right place - the stomach area.
According to specialists in nutrition food with lots of water help to lose stomach fat and weight in general because they quench the stomach, reducing appetite.
Fruit and vegetables are rich in water and facilitate the work of the kidneys, which eliminate the liquid retained more efficiently.
Fruit, incidentally is the champion: about 80% of its composition is water.
Rich water content food that will help you to lose stomach fat: Fruit: pear, apple, melon, watermelon, avocado, banana, mango Vegetables: cucumber, celery, watercress, carrot, beet
But instead of just putting the liquid in the glass, fill your plate with it! A survey done in the United Sates showed that food rich in water are most effective for those who want to lose stomach fat and weight.
This is because these food have the power to remove the fat, especially around the stomach area.
The researchers studied two groups of overweight individuals who consumed the same number of calories.
One group ate more food with high water content.
After six months, people in that group eliminated about 2 pounds more than the group who had a more dry diet.
But the biggest benefit was: the high content water diet group lost on average twice more around the stomach area.
A diet rich in water content definitely helped the group of individuals to lose stomach fat quicker.
This happened because the water food helps lower blood sugar levels and reduces the amount of insulin.
When insulin goes down, the body begins to burn its fat stores.
And it starts just in the right place - the stomach area.
According to specialists in nutrition food with lots of water help to lose stomach fat and weight in general because they quench the stomach, reducing appetite.
Fruit and vegetables are rich in water and facilitate the work of the kidneys, which eliminate the liquid retained more efficiently.
Fruit, incidentally is the champion: about 80% of its composition is water.
Rich water content food that will help you to lose stomach fat: Fruit: pear, apple, melon, watermelon, avocado, banana, mango Vegetables: cucumber, celery, watercress, carrot, beet