Easy Baby Bootie Cakes
- Consider making individual mini-cakes shaped like baby booties for each guest at a small gathering. Bake one round cake using your favorite cake recipe, then cut small circles of cake using a biscuit or cookie cutter. You'll need 12 circles to make eight mini-cakes. Cut four of the circles in half horizontally, making them shorter than the whole pieces. Use a large circle for the base of the bootie with a half-circle placed in front for the toe. Decorate the cake with icing, using more icing around the back edges and creating a gentle slope between the two to cause a natural look.
Use cupcakes as an alternative to creating individual sized cakes. One cupcake is the back of the cake and one cupcake cut in half horizontally is the bootie's toe. Turn the whole cupcake upside down to give the bootie a realistic look. Decorate just as you would the bigger individual cake. - Bake two cakes using your favorite recipe or two types of cakes to create one large baby bootie cake. Choose the method that will be easiest while providing enough cake for guests: baking two sheet cakes, two round cakes or a rectangle and square cake with about the same width.
Cut one of the sheet cakes in half if you opt for that method. Stack one half on the back end of the full cake using a thin layer of buttercream (or other frosting) like glue. Cut the corners so they're more oval than square to resemble a bootie. Decorate the cake using more frosting in some areas, such as to create a slope between the two heights.
Cut one of your round cakes in half horizontally if you are using two round cakes. The whole cake will become the back of the bootie and the half-cake will become the toes. Decorate it the same way you would decorate individual cakes or the sheet cakes.
Simply stack the square cake on one end of the rectangle cake if you have baked these shapes. Trim the edges to make them rounder like a shoe instead of 90-degree angles. Decorate the cakes to look like a bootie. - Place plastic (or real) baby booties on top of a decorated cake for the simplest option and write a message in frosting. If you prefer an edible version, add a couple of cupcakes decorated like booties to the top of a basic sheet cake that's been frosted and decorated.
Baby Bootie Mini-cakes
One Big Baby Bootie
Baby Bootie Toppers