Cellulite- You Can Conquer It!
Cellulite Gone Forever!!- Every woman`s dream- But of course there is a price to pay! Like everything in life certain actions and lifestyle habits bring their own results like it or not! Cellulite is caused by an accumulation of several things, so let`s have a look at some of the causes. A sedentary lifestyle, poor diet, lack of proper hydration ( you would be amazed at the vital part just drinking plenty of good old Adam`s ale helps)can add up to a build up of toxins, which are not only difficult to remove, but contribute greatly to the "DIMPLY STUFF" the bane of the lives of as many as 85% of women of all ages worldwide.
Eat Properly- The word DIET conjures up the image of people existing on lettuce leaves, which is not the case at all. FOOD REFORM is probably a better description, as all it requires is replacing cellulite forming high fat content foods with a more nutritious way of eating.
The best way to approach this is to choose a balanced eating plan that includes all food groups, but a higher protein content tends to leave you feeling less hungry and is better for building lean muscle, than other food groups. Fish, which is a good source of omega3 chicken(skinless is best) lean meats are best in your fight against the "dreaded" so any red meats should be trimmed.
Wholemeal flour products bread pasta and biscuits cookies etc. should replace the white refined variety, such as cakes pastries, pies etc. which also contain high levels of fats. You should also cut down to a minimum dairy products which also contain high levels of fats and in excess can be detrimental to your goal of removing your cellulite! Foods containing high levels of salt are also to be avoided as the recommended intake by heart experts of 3000 milligrams a day is usually exceeded by x3 to x4 in our diet and can cause water retention, which on being drawn into our arteries puts pressure on the artery walls, leading to high blood pressure.
The final piece of dietary advice is to eat as "close to nature" as possible, fresh fruit and vegetables, beans, pulses, seeds such as sunflower, sesame, pumpkin and many more all are full of vitamins and excellent for general health and wellbeing.
SO WHAT CAN YOU DO!- You have probably heard it said " It`s a cinch by the inch but hard by the yard "and this is very true about the way you tackle any of life`s problem`s,a softly, softly measured approach,will win in the end. Cellulite is one of those things that require a determined, disciplined, approach which is the best way for lasting success.
FIRST THINGS FIRST- Cultivate the habit of drinking plenty of water. Water is the great universal solvent that cleanses your system and aids the elimination of harmful toxins to help the liver and lymphatic system work more efficiently, vital to the success of cellulite removal
rich in vitamins are unrefined and untouched and an excellent inclusion for overall health and wellbeing
SUPERFOODS- So called because of the tremendous boost they can give you at any time!
ACAI BERRIES - Which come from the Amazon flood plains have some amazing properties!
They have approx.400 times the antioxidants of blueberries,30 times the phytochemical content of red wine (that helps to keep your heart healthy),contain 6 essential fatty acids that reduce cholesterol and are full of amino acids to promote energy and help weight loss. They are dark purple and have an unusual cocoa berry taste As if these were`nt enough they also tackle cell wall degeneration from the inside--The best way to fight cellulite.These truly are a remarkable SUPERFOOD!
GOJI BERRIES-- Known as the "most nutritionally complete" food on earth! Why? Because they contain,500 times more vitamin C than oranges, essential fatty acids, a tremendous amount of B vitamins, more beta carotene than carrots + an amazing 19 Amino acids- nothing else comes close to this tremendous food!
In fact every nutrient in this bright orangey, tangy little berry is a CELLULITE BUSTER! Grown in the TIBET/MONGOLIA region this wonder berry can even fight of cancer causing free radicals as well as fighting inflammation of cells and is reputed to be the reason that many locals who eat these on a daily basis live to over 100 years of age!
EXCERCISE-- Although not essential exercising speeds up your metabolism to assist in your overall plan to rid your body of cellulite. Combining sensible eating proper hydration and excercise is a surefire way of achieving your goal.
If you are starting from scratch and have not taken any excercise for some time, you may want to start slowly and build up e.g. walking and light aerobics is advisable to begin with allowing your body to acclimatise before increasing your level of intensity,remember slow and sure to start! As your strength and stamina increase you can so can you increase the length and content of your workout, once you make a start you will be surprised at how quickly you progress
CONCLUSION-- The sooner you get started, the sooner you will be CELLULITE FREE!
SO! - REMEMBER!--Drink plenty of WATER--to cleanse your system and assist your LIVER AND LYMPHATIC SYSTEM remove the toxins that can build up causing damage --VERY IMPORTANT!
EAT SENSIBLY!--Replacing high sugar, salt and fat content foods, with healthier options, sweets, candies, biscuits, cookies, chocolate, white flour products, should be replaced by CELLULITE BUSTING fresh fruit, nuts, dried fruit, wholemeal products, which are better for your general health and wellbeing and will help you achieve your goal!
EXCERCISE-- Should start gently at first to then increased gradually to 30 minute then to 45 minute sessions, until you can eventually manage 60+ minutes no problem!
Light weights (and I do mean light to begin with) are an excellent way increase your heart rate while carrying out your aerobics, no need for anything fancy, a can of beans, or something similar, in each hand will do the job well enough!
WE CAN HELP!!- If you really want be rid of your CELLULITE for good, we have the perfect answer! Just go to the website below to start losing your cellulite TODAY!!
Eat Properly- The word DIET conjures up the image of people existing on lettuce leaves, which is not the case at all. FOOD REFORM is probably a better description, as all it requires is replacing cellulite forming high fat content foods with a more nutritious way of eating.
The best way to approach this is to choose a balanced eating plan that includes all food groups, but a higher protein content tends to leave you feeling less hungry and is better for building lean muscle, than other food groups. Fish, which is a good source of omega3 chicken(skinless is best) lean meats are best in your fight against the "dreaded" so any red meats should be trimmed.
Wholemeal flour products bread pasta and biscuits cookies etc. should replace the white refined variety, such as cakes pastries, pies etc. which also contain high levels of fats. You should also cut down to a minimum dairy products which also contain high levels of fats and in excess can be detrimental to your goal of removing your cellulite! Foods containing high levels of salt are also to be avoided as the recommended intake by heart experts of 3000 milligrams a day is usually exceeded by x3 to x4 in our diet and can cause water retention, which on being drawn into our arteries puts pressure on the artery walls, leading to high blood pressure.
The final piece of dietary advice is to eat as "close to nature" as possible, fresh fruit and vegetables, beans, pulses, seeds such as sunflower, sesame, pumpkin and many more all are full of vitamins and excellent for general health and wellbeing.
SO WHAT CAN YOU DO!- You have probably heard it said " It`s a cinch by the inch but hard by the yard "and this is very true about the way you tackle any of life`s problem`s,a softly, softly measured approach,will win in the end. Cellulite is one of those things that require a determined, disciplined, approach which is the best way for lasting success.
FIRST THINGS FIRST- Cultivate the habit of drinking plenty of water. Water is the great universal solvent that cleanses your system and aids the elimination of harmful toxins to help the liver and lymphatic system work more efficiently, vital to the success of cellulite removal
rich in vitamins are unrefined and untouched and an excellent inclusion for overall health and wellbeing
SUPERFOODS- So called because of the tremendous boost they can give you at any time!
ACAI BERRIES - Which come from the Amazon flood plains have some amazing properties!
They have approx.400 times the antioxidants of blueberries,30 times the phytochemical content of red wine (that helps to keep your heart healthy),contain 6 essential fatty acids that reduce cholesterol and are full of amino acids to promote energy and help weight loss. They are dark purple and have an unusual cocoa berry taste As if these were`nt enough they also tackle cell wall degeneration from the inside--The best way to fight cellulite.These truly are a remarkable SUPERFOOD!
GOJI BERRIES-- Known as the "most nutritionally complete" food on earth! Why? Because they contain,500 times more vitamin C than oranges, essential fatty acids, a tremendous amount of B vitamins, more beta carotene than carrots + an amazing 19 Amino acids- nothing else comes close to this tremendous food!
In fact every nutrient in this bright orangey, tangy little berry is a CELLULITE BUSTER! Grown in the TIBET/MONGOLIA region this wonder berry can even fight of cancer causing free radicals as well as fighting inflammation of cells and is reputed to be the reason that many locals who eat these on a daily basis live to over 100 years of age!
EXCERCISE-- Although not essential exercising speeds up your metabolism to assist in your overall plan to rid your body of cellulite. Combining sensible eating proper hydration and excercise is a surefire way of achieving your goal.
If you are starting from scratch and have not taken any excercise for some time, you may want to start slowly and build up e.g. walking and light aerobics is advisable to begin with allowing your body to acclimatise before increasing your level of intensity,remember slow and sure to start! As your strength and stamina increase you can so can you increase the length and content of your workout, once you make a start you will be surprised at how quickly you progress
CONCLUSION-- The sooner you get started, the sooner you will be CELLULITE FREE!
SO! - REMEMBER!--Drink plenty of WATER--to cleanse your system and assist your LIVER AND LYMPHATIC SYSTEM remove the toxins that can build up causing damage --VERY IMPORTANT!
EAT SENSIBLY!--Replacing high sugar, salt and fat content foods, with healthier options, sweets, candies, biscuits, cookies, chocolate, white flour products, should be replaced by CELLULITE BUSTING fresh fruit, nuts, dried fruit, wholemeal products, which are better for your general health and wellbeing and will help you achieve your goal!
EXCERCISE-- Should start gently at first to then increased gradually to 30 minute then to 45 minute sessions, until you can eventually manage 60+ minutes no problem!
Light weights (and I do mean light to begin with) are an excellent way increase your heart rate while carrying out your aerobics, no need for anything fancy, a can of beans, or something similar, in each hand will do the job well enough!
WE CAN HELP!!- If you really want be rid of your CELLULITE for good, we have the perfect answer! Just go to the website below to start losing your cellulite TODAY!!