Rick Perry Vs Barack Obama - A Contrast in Opposites
There has been a lot of buzz recently in the media about one of the Republican presidential candidates, Rick Perry, and if he will be the next president of the United States.
If I could pick between Rick Perry and Barack Obama for the president of the United States I would choose the Rick Perry.
I believe that Perry believes in values and the honesty of the constitution whereas Barrack Obama is all talk and has made economic conditions worse in this country.
Most pundits out there say that Perry is the favorites to topple Obama in 2012 and I really hope that this prediction comes to life.
I am a conservative so I don't like the leftist agenda and the socialistic policies that the Obama administration is trying to ram down America's throat.
Rick Perry is the antithesis of Obama.
Here are my main points on why I think Rick Perry is more qualified to be president than Obama.
Firstly, Rick Perry actually has experience in government! Before Obama ran for president he had almost no experience whatsoever.
Rick Perry is a governor of a major state - Texas - for eight years.
Obama has never run anything.
No executive experience whatsoever and it show with the horrendous jog he has done over the past 4 years.
Second of all if you Perry to Obama than Perry's policies actually make sense! Perry's policies and beliefs are actually proven throughout history to work for the hard-working people of this country.
His beliefs remind me very much of what Ronald Reagan's beliefs stood for.
Rick Perry is a dictionary definition of a conservative politician.
Perry believes in the following: -lowering taxes and cutting federal budgets of useless government spending (Obama actually increase the federal budget and made the economy worse by doing so) -Rick Perry also believes that all Americans have freedom of speech and the right to bear arms (unlike many liberals in the Congress and Senate and President Obama has not discussed this topic at all) - Rick Perry believes in the 10th amendment which is strong state rights and not infringing on the constitution -Perry does not accept that global warming is man-made and that we need government control of everyone's life to institute draconian police state methods to rule our citizen's life in the name of environmental justice.
- Rick also strongly disagrees with the healthcare bill that was recently passed; the bill is also called "Obamacare".
The bill that over 60% of Americans did not want but the Obama administration forced through using sly-backdoor politics.
There are some arguments that Obama bribed many senators and congress members to try to push through the healthcare bill! In these harsh times in American history we need a true leader that will make the American way of life as good as it used to be.
If I could pick between Rick Perry and Barack Obama for the president of the United States I would choose the Rick Perry.
I believe that Perry believes in values and the honesty of the constitution whereas Barrack Obama is all talk and has made economic conditions worse in this country.
Most pundits out there say that Perry is the favorites to topple Obama in 2012 and I really hope that this prediction comes to life.
I am a conservative so I don't like the leftist agenda and the socialistic policies that the Obama administration is trying to ram down America's throat.
Rick Perry is the antithesis of Obama.
Here are my main points on why I think Rick Perry is more qualified to be president than Obama.
Firstly, Rick Perry actually has experience in government! Before Obama ran for president he had almost no experience whatsoever.
Rick Perry is a governor of a major state - Texas - for eight years.
Obama has never run anything.
No executive experience whatsoever and it show with the horrendous jog he has done over the past 4 years.
Second of all if you Perry to Obama than Perry's policies actually make sense! Perry's policies and beliefs are actually proven throughout history to work for the hard-working people of this country.
His beliefs remind me very much of what Ronald Reagan's beliefs stood for.
Rick Perry is a dictionary definition of a conservative politician.
Perry believes in the following: -lowering taxes and cutting federal budgets of useless government spending (Obama actually increase the federal budget and made the economy worse by doing so) -Rick Perry also believes that all Americans have freedom of speech and the right to bear arms (unlike many liberals in the Congress and Senate and President Obama has not discussed this topic at all) - Rick Perry believes in the 10th amendment which is strong state rights and not infringing on the constitution -Perry does not accept that global warming is man-made and that we need government control of everyone's life to institute draconian police state methods to rule our citizen's life in the name of environmental justice.
- Rick also strongly disagrees with the healthcare bill that was recently passed; the bill is also called "Obamacare".
The bill that over 60% of Americans did not want but the Obama administration forced through using sly-backdoor politics.
There are some arguments that Obama bribed many senators and congress members to try to push through the healthcare bill! In these harsh times in American history we need a true leader that will make the American way of life as good as it used to be.