Shed Plans What Types Of Foundations Should I Consider?
The shed foundation you choose is a very important step in having a safe and secure shed. As with any structure, it is essential to provide a firm, level and square base; without which, your building will become unstable and will deteriorate rapidly. If you plan your project properly and take the time to do it right, it will last for many years. Visit the Woodworking Plans Website pages for more woodworking articles.
Concrete Slab - The best method - provided it's done well. A job for a competent Do-it-Yourselfer, or a professional builder.
Pier and Beam - Simple, yet effective. A good solution if the building may need to be moved in future years.
Treated Wood Runners - An easy non-permanent solution. You simply clear the site, level off the area and begin. Using treated wood is a must for this option.
Whichever method you use, it is important that the end result is above all, firm, level and square. If you are constructing the base for a building over 12' x 8', a garage, a sectional building, a corner unit, a gazebo, or a building with no floor, then the more permanent poured concrete slab might be best.
It isn't within the scope of this material to try and detail each and every foundation option. What we have chosen to do is outline the intermediate type foundation and provide some ideas and information that might be useful no matter which type of base you choose for your project. Learn more DIY Shed Plans articles please go to website.
Concrete Slab - The best method - provided it's done well. A job for a competent Do-it-Yourselfer, or a professional builder.
Pier and Beam - Simple, yet effective. A good solution if the building may need to be moved in future years.
Treated Wood Runners - An easy non-permanent solution. You simply clear the site, level off the area and begin. Using treated wood is a must for this option.
Whichever method you use, it is important that the end result is above all, firm, level and square. If you are constructing the base for a building over 12' x 8', a garage, a sectional building, a corner unit, a gazebo, or a building with no floor, then the more permanent poured concrete slab might be best.
It isn't within the scope of this material to try and detail each and every foundation option. What we have chosen to do is outline the intermediate type foundation and provide some ideas and information that might be useful no matter which type of base you choose for your project. Learn more DIY Shed Plans articles please go to website.