Gout - Are You at Risk?
Gout has been mentioned down through the ages and frequently associated with over indulgence, both of food and of alcohol.
Franklin Benjamin was actually a sufferer.
It affects more men than women - up to nine times more men are affected and it hits earlier with a tendency to hit males after they reach puberty, whereas it hits women predominantly after menopause.
But what is Gout? Gout is a medically recognized condition whereby there is an over abundance of uric acid in the body that forms crystals which are then deposited in the tissues of the body.
This causes repeated attacks of swollen, painful joints - arthritis.
If this condition becomes chronic, hard lumps of the crystals can form in or around the joints - kidneys may fail to eliminate the uric acid efficiently, with the possibility of the formation of kidney stones.
Diet can play a part in gout as does the body's inability to dispose of uric acid, which leads to painful flare-ups.
Who does Gout affect? Gout affects 5% of the total number of arthritis sufferers and is considered to be one of the most painful.
As many as one million people in the United States suffer this condition and here are a few things which may make you more susceptible:- * Being 30lbs or more over your recommended weight.
* Regular alcohol consumption.
* Rapid weight gain in adolescence.
* High Blood Pressure.
* Abnormal kidney function.
* Certain drugs can make you more susceptible because of their propensity to increase uric acid levels in the body.
How do you recognize Gout? Various situations can bring about an attack of gout.
Over indulgence of food or alcohol - Dehydration - Surgery - An injury to the joint - to name just a few.
Gout tends to manifest itself first in the joint of the big toe, but there are other areas which can be affected - * Elbows * Fingers * Wrists * Knees * Ankles * Insteps * Heels An attack of gout can happen rapidly and involve pain in the joint, a swelling that feels hot to the touch and an inflamed coloration.
Some sufferers find that it becomes so tender they cannot even bear a sheet over the affected joint.
If the attack is an acute one, it may also involve fever.
If the kidneys are subjected to abnormally high levels of uric acid and are unable to dispose of it properly, then the chance of kidney stones forming is a very real one.
Preventing Gout A diet high in protein is likely to cause an attack of gout as it raises the levels of uric acid in the body.
Someone suffering with gout will be advised to restrict their intake of foods which are high in protein.
So then which foods are to be avoided? Here are some recommendations:- * Beer and alcoholic beverages * Sardines in oil, anchovies, herring, kippers, fish roe.
* Yeast or yeast products such as Marmite, Bovril or Vegemite * Liver, Kidneys or other organ meats * Gravies, soups or consommés that contain meat extract.
* Mushrooms, cauliflower, spinach, asparagus
Franklin Benjamin was actually a sufferer.
It affects more men than women - up to nine times more men are affected and it hits earlier with a tendency to hit males after they reach puberty, whereas it hits women predominantly after menopause.
But what is Gout? Gout is a medically recognized condition whereby there is an over abundance of uric acid in the body that forms crystals which are then deposited in the tissues of the body.
This causes repeated attacks of swollen, painful joints - arthritis.
If this condition becomes chronic, hard lumps of the crystals can form in or around the joints - kidneys may fail to eliminate the uric acid efficiently, with the possibility of the formation of kidney stones.
Diet can play a part in gout as does the body's inability to dispose of uric acid, which leads to painful flare-ups.
Who does Gout affect? Gout affects 5% of the total number of arthritis sufferers and is considered to be one of the most painful.
As many as one million people in the United States suffer this condition and here are a few things which may make you more susceptible:- * Being 30lbs or more over your recommended weight.
* Regular alcohol consumption.
* Rapid weight gain in adolescence.
* High Blood Pressure.
* Abnormal kidney function.
* Certain drugs can make you more susceptible because of their propensity to increase uric acid levels in the body.
How do you recognize Gout? Various situations can bring about an attack of gout.
Over indulgence of food or alcohol - Dehydration - Surgery - An injury to the joint - to name just a few.
Gout tends to manifest itself first in the joint of the big toe, but there are other areas which can be affected - * Elbows * Fingers * Wrists * Knees * Ankles * Insteps * Heels An attack of gout can happen rapidly and involve pain in the joint, a swelling that feels hot to the touch and an inflamed coloration.
Some sufferers find that it becomes so tender they cannot even bear a sheet over the affected joint.
If the attack is an acute one, it may also involve fever.
If the kidneys are subjected to abnormally high levels of uric acid and are unable to dispose of it properly, then the chance of kidney stones forming is a very real one.
Preventing Gout A diet high in protein is likely to cause an attack of gout as it raises the levels of uric acid in the body.
Someone suffering with gout will be advised to restrict their intake of foods which are high in protein.
So then which foods are to be avoided? Here are some recommendations:- * Beer and alcoholic beverages * Sardines in oil, anchovies, herring, kippers, fish roe.
* Yeast or yeast products such as Marmite, Bovril or Vegemite * Liver, Kidneys or other organ meats * Gravies, soups or consommés that contain meat extract.
* Mushrooms, cauliflower, spinach, asparagus