What To Do If Your Boss Is Playing Dirty Tricks To Try To Sack You?
Susan became a scapegoat to the political machinations of her colleagues and superiors when her CEO's very expensive new IT system ended up going wildly over budget. When the CEO was forced out, there began a cull of all the people that he had brought in with him including Susan. She was effectively demoted and transferred to another office.
Her troubles followed her there. On the first day in the new job, one of Susan's new team to a dislike to Susan - this lady didn't like having a boss who was a lot younger than her. Management encouraged the lady to make a formal complaint and then they used this cover to suspend Susan on full pay. Susan was also told that there had been a couple of complaints about her and that she wouldn't be told what they were.
5 weeks later, she was finally summoned back to the office to hear the complaints that had allegedly been made against her. Her line manager demanded that she sign a disclaimer that would allow her to contact Susan's doctor to find out whether she had mental health issues. The complaint read like everything within HR policy by which someone could get fired for gross misconduct, but it contradicted itself and just didn't make sense in context.
"Right then, I knew I needed some professional help" Susan says. "I felt so low, I was crying a lot. I felt that nobody believed me or that maybe I could have done things better, differently. Then I called Alex Monaco of Compromise Agreements Limited."
Before she spoke to Alex Monaco, Susan had rung round a few other employment law solicitors.
"As soon as I started speaking to Alex, I felt I was in good hands. He was the only solicitor who made it very clear that if there wasn't a case, he wouldn't be able to help me. Once we had met, he took on my case on a no-win no-fee, so we were in it together."
"Alex coached me, told me what to say. He warned me what tricks they might try to play. He wrote me a 17 page grievance letter which meant that in the investigation interviews, I was able to refer to the appropriate paragraphs to answer the points against me. Alex told me that if they tried to sack me now, I'd be able to ask for a lot more money. It gave me great comfort knowing that I couldn't lose now."
Alex and his team are passionate about making the Employment Law accessible to everyone. They are fast gaining a reputation for being friendly, approachable and putting the ease into legalise. Sensing that she now had professional backup, and unable to deal with her long grievance letter, management offered a without prejudice compromise agreement of 6 months' salary. At this point Susan revealed the existence of her legal adviser, and he negotiated an even higher amount by restructuring the compromise agreement so that it ended up saving both sides a lot of tax.
Her troubles followed her there. On the first day in the new job, one of Susan's new team to a dislike to Susan - this lady didn't like having a boss who was a lot younger than her. Management encouraged the lady to make a formal complaint and then they used this cover to suspend Susan on full pay. Susan was also told that there had been a couple of complaints about her and that she wouldn't be told what they were.
5 weeks later, she was finally summoned back to the office to hear the complaints that had allegedly been made against her. Her line manager demanded that she sign a disclaimer that would allow her to contact Susan's doctor to find out whether she had mental health issues. The complaint read like everything within HR policy by which someone could get fired for gross misconduct, but it contradicted itself and just didn't make sense in context.
"Right then, I knew I needed some professional help" Susan says. "I felt so low, I was crying a lot. I felt that nobody believed me or that maybe I could have done things better, differently. Then I called Alex Monaco of Compromise Agreements Limited."
Before she spoke to Alex Monaco, Susan had rung round a few other employment law solicitors.
"As soon as I started speaking to Alex, I felt I was in good hands. He was the only solicitor who made it very clear that if there wasn't a case, he wouldn't be able to help me. Once we had met, he took on my case on a no-win no-fee, so we were in it together."
"Alex coached me, told me what to say. He warned me what tricks they might try to play. He wrote me a 17 page grievance letter which meant that in the investigation interviews, I was able to refer to the appropriate paragraphs to answer the points against me. Alex told me that if they tried to sack me now, I'd be able to ask for a lot more money. It gave me great comfort knowing that I couldn't lose now."
Alex and his team are passionate about making the Employment Law accessible to everyone. They are fast gaining a reputation for being friendly, approachable and putting the ease into legalise. Sensing that she now had professional backup, and unable to deal with her long grievance letter, management offered a without prejudice compromise agreement of 6 months' salary. At this point Susan revealed the existence of her legal adviser, and he negotiated an even higher amount by restructuring the compromise agreement so that it ended up saving both sides a lot of tax.