How to upload file to server using CuteFTP
Things You'll Need
1Talk to your host or ISP. You need to get:
The web server name or IP address
The folder name where to place your site root
The required file name for your home page (index.html, default.html, etc.)
Your login ID and password .
Go to File>New>FTP Site to add server information. Fill all the blanks.
On CuteFTP's menu, select File, New, FTP site (or press CTRL+N). Set up your new connection as follows:
General tab: Enter a Label for your new connection, and set the Host address, user name and password.
Type tab: you can usually leave these settings as default.
Actions tab: it can be useful to set the remote folder and local folder options. Setting these default locations saves you some extra mouse-clicks when you are ready to upload your site files.
Your host company will tell you the correct folder location for your homepage.
DO NOT CHANGE the setting for When Uploading, Preserve Case!
Double click to the lable of the server you want
You are now connect to the server, you can drag and drop files just like windows here.