7 Natural Cures for Gout
In 7 Natural Cures For Gout you'll discover a number of cures for gout that are totally natural and safe. These treatments are used all around the world and have been found to be very good natural cures for gout.
Let's look at what causes gout first. Gout is caused by excess uric acid in your blood that forms sharp crystals in your joints. This gives rise to the symptoms of gout; redness, swelling, inflammation, heat and of course excruciating pain!Here are 7 natural cures for gout...
O.K. so where does uric acid come from? Uric acid is formed when purines in our body cells and foods breakdown after performing their vital functions such as converting genes to protein and food to energy.
It's the function of our kidneys to maintain this uric acid at healthy levels in our blood. But they can sometimes fail to do this efficiently with the result that we have excess uric acid, which then causes gout.
1. A key part of any natural cure for gout has to be your diet. Foods high in purines have to be avoided. Foods like, red meats, offals, game, gravy, broth, poultry, shellfish, fish roe, sardines, mackerel, legumes, lentils, yeast extracts, etc. Also alcohol. Avoid alcohol, especially beer!
2. Another vital part of any natural cure for gout is to flush excess uric acid out of your system by drinking at least 2 litres of water every day, preferably 3 litres.
3. Eat five helpings of fresh vegetables and fruit per day to help flush uric acid out. Avoid cauliflower, asparagus and mushrooms though.
4. Consume a cupful of cherries at each meal. They have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory powers. They are very effective natural cures for gout.
5. Take Alfalfa (in seed form, capsules or liquid extracts) to reduce uric acid levels. It also acts as an anti-inflammatory agent.
6. Apple cider vinegar can help your symptoms, as a drink or applied topically. For a daily drink; 2 teaspoons each of vinegar and honey mixed together. To bathe the affected joint; 1 part cider vinegar and 6 parts hot water.
7. Apply a charcoal poultice made up from 1/2 cup of activated charcoal, 3 tablespoons of ground flaxseed and warm water. This will help reduce pain and swelling.
Now, while all the above can be very effective in reducing the symptoms of gout, there are very many more things to take into consideration when getting into actual cures for gout. For example, your weight, general health, body pH, family history, medications, etc. As well as getting rid of the symptoms you need to prevent your gout returning, as frequently recurring gout can lead to permanent joint damage.
Fortunately, there is a fully-researched and proven online gout report that you can get your hands on in minutes, which thousands of people all over the world have successfully used to beat their gout. All the work has been done for you.
Its easy, step-by-step approach will lead you to a guaranteed, totally natural, home-based remedy that is right for you. And it includes a special 2 hour gout relief program for folks suffering acute pain right now. If this is you or a loved one then this could be just what you need.
To discover how this report can bring you relief from gout pain in 2 hours and how it can prevent your gout returning, please visit http://gout-relief-today.blogspot.com and get started in minutes. Remember, it's guaranteed so you can't go wrong.
Let's look at what causes gout first. Gout is caused by excess uric acid in your blood that forms sharp crystals in your joints. This gives rise to the symptoms of gout; redness, swelling, inflammation, heat and of course excruciating pain!Here are 7 natural cures for gout...
O.K. so where does uric acid come from? Uric acid is formed when purines in our body cells and foods breakdown after performing their vital functions such as converting genes to protein and food to energy.
It's the function of our kidneys to maintain this uric acid at healthy levels in our blood. But they can sometimes fail to do this efficiently with the result that we have excess uric acid, which then causes gout.
1. A key part of any natural cure for gout has to be your diet. Foods high in purines have to be avoided. Foods like, red meats, offals, game, gravy, broth, poultry, shellfish, fish roe, sardines, mackerel, legumes, lentils, yeast extracts, etc. Also alcohol. Avoid alcohol, especially beer!
2. Another vital part of any natural cure for gout is to flush excess uric acid out of your system by drinking at least 2 litres of water every day, preferably 3 litres.
3. Eat five helpings of fresh vegetables and fruit per day to help flush uric acid out. Avoid cauliflower, asparagus and mushrooms though.
4. Consume a cupful of cherries at each meal. They have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory powers. They are very effective natural cures for gout.
5. Take Alfalfa (in seed form, capsules or liquid extracts) to reduce uric acid levels. It also acts as an anti-inflammatory agent.
6. Apple cider vinegar can help your symptoms, as a drink or applied topically. For a daily drink; 2 teaspoons each of vinegar and honey mixed together. To bathe the affected joint; 1 part cider vinegar and 6 parts hot water.
7. Apply a charcoal poultice made up from 1/2 cup of activated charcoal, 3 tablespoons of ground flaxseed and warm water. This will help reduce pain and swelling.
Now, while all the above can be very effective in reducing the symptoms of gout, there are very many more things to take into consideration when getting into actual cures for gout. For example, your weight, general health, body pH, family history, medications, etc. As well as getting rid of the symptoms you need to prevent your gout returning, as frequently recurring gout can lead to permanent joint damage.
Fortunately, there is a fully-researched and proven online gout report that you can get your hands on in minutes, which thousands of people all over the world have successfully used to beat their gout. All the work has been done for you.
Its easy, step-by-step approach will lead you to a guaranteed, totally natural, home-based remedy that is right for you. And it includes a special 2 hour gout relief program for folks suffering acute pain right now. If this is you or a loved one then this could be just what you need.
To discover how this report can bring you relief from gout pain in 2 hours and how it can prevent your gout returning, please visit http://gout-relief-today.blogspot.com and get started in minutes. Remember, it's guaranteed so you can't go wrong.