What Is the Difference Between Low & High Thyroid?
- Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid or low thyroid), is characterized by your thyroid not producing enough thyroid hormone. If you are suffering from hypothyroidism, you may experience fatigue, weight gain, constipation, and hair loss.
- Hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid or high thyroid) is when your thyroid produces too much thyroid hormone. You may suffer from fatigue, unexplained weight gain, anxiety, extreme thirst, sweating, hunger and irregular menstrual periods.
- If you are suffering from hypothyroidism, your doctor may prescribe synthetic thyroid hormone, which contains one or both of T3 and T4, the hormones specific to thyroid function. Another option is a natural thyroid supplement, a pill formulated using pig thyroid containing both T3 and T4.
- Hyperthyroidism patients are usually prescribed antithyroid drugs or beta blockers. Antithyroid drugs make it difficult for your body to use iodine to produce thyroid hormone and inhibit the conversion of T4 to T3. Beta blockers lessen the effects of hyperthyroidism on your heart and lessen sweating problems and anxiety.
- Common risks for low thyroid and high thyroid include smoking, family history, stress, aspartame and viral infections. See your doctor to have your thyroid checked if you think you may have an imbalance.
Low Thyroid
High Thyroid
Treatment for Low Thyroid
Treatment for High Thyroid