9 Types Of Government Grants Aimed To Help You Pay Your Bills And Debt
The federal and state governments provide assistance in the form of grants to students and other eligible US citizens. These are non refundable money paid to the people based on their eligibility criteria. In addition, several medical grants are available for individual's particularly disabled people and veterans. Here are some of these small grant programs.
1. Federal Education Grant:-
Educational Grants are given to students based on the educational achievements and financial position. These grants are given by Federal Government and provided in the form of Pell Grant or other grants through an application called FAFSA.
2. Other Educational Grants:-
The states, educational institutions, private foundations, Corporate organizations provide educational assistance to students depending on the financial position and educational performance.
3. Disability Insurance:-
These are given to disabled and aged persons in the form of disability and medical insurance.
4. Disability Cash Benefits:-
This cash benefit is given to the qualified disabled worker, blind or disabled individuals, disabled widow or widower, disabled son or daughter etc.Rehabilitaion programs are also given to these categories.
5. Medicare program:-
Senior citizens having an age of 65 or above, disabled people less than 65 years of age, people with diseases like kidney failure requiring dialysis and transplant are given health insurance program under this category.
6. Medical Bills Payment:-
Senior citizens and disabled people are given assistance to pay the medical bills, doctor fees and hospital charges. Under the new Medical Bill Debt Reduction Program, any individual can reduce the medical expenses after the foundation negotiating with hospitals or doctors to reduce the charges.
7. Children Health Insurance Plan:-
The federal government has Insure Kids Now program in which children of eligible low income group workers are provided health insurance for low cost or for free.
8. Childcare Financial Assistance:-
For qualified low income families some financial assistance in the form of grant is allowed for meeting child care expenses.
9. Veterans Health Benefits and Services:-
This health insurance provides medical and hospitalization expenses to qualified individuals
1. Federal Education Grant:-
Educational Grants are given to students based on the educational achievements and financial position. These grants are given by Federal Government and provided in the form of Pell Grant or other grants through an application called FAFSA.
2. Other Educational Grants:-
The states, educational institutions, private foundations, Corporate organizations provide educational assistance to students depending on the financial position and educational performance.
3. Disability Insurance:-
These are given to disabled and aged persons in the form of disability and medical insurance.
4. Disability Cash Benefits:-
This cash benefit is given to the qualified disabled worker, blind or disabled individuals, disabled widow or widower, disabled son or daughter etc.Rehabilitaion programs are also given to these categories.
5. Medicare program:-
Senior citizens having an age of 65 or above, disabled people less than 65 years of age, people with diseases like kidney failure requiring dialysis and transplant are given health insurance program under this category.
6. Medical Bills Payment:-
Senior citizens and disabled people are given assistance to pay the medical bills, doctor fees and hospital charges. Under the new Medical Bill Debt Reduction Program, any individual can reduce the medical expenses after the foundation negotiating with hospitals or doctors to reduce the charges.
7. Children Health Insurance Plan:-
The federal government has Insure Kids Now program in which children of eligible low income group workers are provided health insurance for low cost or for free.
8. Childcare Financial Assistance:-
For qualified low income families some financial assistance in the form of grant is allowed for meeting child care expenses.
9. Veterans Health Benefits and Services:-
This health insurance provides medical and hospitalization expenses to qualified individuals