Cat Pregnancy Questions
- Cats average three to six kittens per litter.kittens nursing / mother cat image by Katrina Miller from
Whether you intended on your cat getting pregnant or it just happened, knowing what to expect is crucial to the health of your feline and her kittens. It's important to educate yourself on the cat pregnancy process. It's also important to consider having your feline fixed after she's had her litter -- spaying your feline will not only give her a healthier life, but also avoid the dilemma of what to do with unwanted kittens. - Cats reach sexual maturity between four months and 1 year of age. Your cat can get pregnant once she's reached her first estrus (heat), the period when she will breed with the male. Until your cat gets pregnant, she will be in "polyestrus" during breeding season (January to October), meaning she will go into heat every two to three weeks.
- You'll know. She'll howl constantly, roll on the floor, affectionately rub up against you and your furniture. She will also urinate frequently and, as Pet Education says, "assume a breeding posture with her head and front legs near the ground and the rump area held high."
- Cats instinctively prepare for birth by outwardly exhibiting nesting and mothering habits. Your cat will build her birthing area by tearing things up for nesting material. She will also "mother" inanimate objects. Four weeks into the pregnancy, she will gain weight and her abdomen and mammary glands will swell.
- Pregnancy on average lasts 63 days, although it can range from 58 to 68 days.
- Pregnant queens (as they're called) need special nutrition. Veterinarian Debra Primovic recommends high quality cat food formulated for your pregnant and, soon to be, nursing cat. As your cat's pregnancy progresses, she'll also need vitamins and additional food -- space the extra feedings out, however, or your queen will not eat them because her tummy is compressed by babies.
Make sure she also has plenty of fresh water, keep her indoors and monitor her activity level -- strenuous exercise is not recommended during pregnancy. - Your cat will begin to meow, moan and possibly pant at the beginning stages of labor. She will also groom her stomach and genital areas and frequent her litter box, so make sure to move it close by. Your cat may desire privacy prior to birthing and try to find a hiding place.
- Keep your cat emotionally comfortable. If your cat does not feel safe in the area where her birthing nest is, she may actually stall the labor. Make sure your cat is in a quiet place. Turn down the lights if that helps and, for the most part, leave her alone -- she's very capable of delivering her kittens on her own.
- Your cat will clean and care for each kitten as it's born. Should she fail to sever an umbilical cord, Pet Education directs that you, "clamp the cord between two hemostats about half an inch from the body and cut it or tear it between the hemostats." You may also need to remove the placenta. Kittens in distress might need their nasal passages cleared and/or CPR.
- No. Pet Education warns that nearly all medication is dangerous to pregnant and nursing cats. Pregnant or nursing cats should not be given any type of medication without the direct supervision of her vet.
When can my cat start having kittens?
How will I know my cat is in heat?
How can I tell if my cat is pregnant?
How long will my cat be pregnant?
How should I care for my pregnant cat?
How can I tell when my cat is going into labor?
What should I do when my cat goes into labor?
What should I do with the newborn kittens?
Can I give my pregnant cat medication?