Changing my name after marriage was so easy
I was both excited and worried about changing my name after marriage. I was eager to share my new name with my husband, but worried about how to actually get my name changed. A few days after our wedding, my cousin Jane told me about the nightmare she experienced when changing her name. She told me that it was incredibly laborious and frustrating to get her name changed on her passport, driver's license, social security card and with the numerous other companies, such as her bank account. She explained that I needed to find and fill-out numerous forms and make sure that I didn't make any mistakes. Then, I needed to submit all the forms to the various offices, provide the right proof that my name was changed legally, and wait for the new documents. She made one tiny mistake on her driver's license form, and was forced to go back to the office and stand in the line all over again!
After her horror story, I laid awake that night, staring at the ceiling and thinking about changing my name after marriage all night. I wanted someone to make things easy. I knew there had to be a better way to do it than how my cousin did. I figured someone surely put something online to help women who want to change their names after marriage. I had already did so much planning the wedding and honeymoon, I didn't want to now be forced to do a bunch unnecessary work.
The next morning I woke up early to scour the Internet to locate a reliable name change website. Surprisingly, I found many but after digging a bit, I could tell that not all were trustworthy. I was confused after seeing so many websites offering name change help for about thirty dollars. After hearing my cousin's complaints, thirty dollars seemed like nothing, so the money was not a concern for me. I was just interested in locating a credible name change website. Then I found one. The simple website grabbed my attention because it was created by a brilliant person and offered both a free and premium option. Their free service contained the same stuff that others were actually charging thirty dollars for! I found the website trustworthy and I decided to use it for changing my name after marriage.
Later in the day, I called my cousin to tell her what I found and she was incredibly jealous! She actually said, €if I could go back in time right now, I'd pay anything for a reliable name change website that would've helped me do all the irritating stuff involved in changing my name after marriage!€ It was crazy. I filled just one from and the rest of the forms were filled out by the website. Shortly after submitting the forms, I started receiving my new documents with my new name. Now, I advise all my family and friends to visit that website when they need to change their name.
After her horror story, I laid awake that night, staring at the ceiling and thinking about changing my name after marriage all night. I wanted someone to make things easy. I knew there had to be a better way to do it than how my cousin did. I figured someone surely put something online to help women who want to change their names after marriage. I had already did so much planning the wedding and honeymoon, I didn't want to now be forced to do a bunch unnecessary work.
The next morning I woke up early to scour the Internet to locate a reliable name change website. Surprisingly, I found many but after digging a bit, I could tell that not all were trustworthy. I was confused after seeing so many websites offering name change help for about thirty dollars. After hearing my cousin's complaints, thirty dollars seemed like nothing, so the money was not a concern for me. I was just interested in locating a credible name change website. Then I found one. The simple website grabbed my attention because it was created by a brilliant person and offered both a free and premium option. Their free service contained the same stuff that others were actually charging thirty dollars for! I found the website trustworthy and I decided to use it for changing my name after marriage.
Later in the day, I called my cousin to tell her what I found and she was incredibly jealous! She actually said, €if I could go back in time right now, I'd pay anything for a reliable name change website that would've helped me do all the irritating stuff involved in changing my name after marriage!€ It was crazy. I filled just one from and the rest of the forms were filled out by the website. Shortly after submitting the forms, I started receiving my new documents with my new name. Now, I advise all my family and friends to visit that website when they need to change their name.