Quantative Easing 2 - Will It Really End?
Is Quantative Easing 2 is about to end.
Or have we been conned yet again into believing something, to have the rug pulled from right underneath us.
This is an important topic here in mid June.
Because there are many rumours and highly recommended brokers telling their clients that Quantative Easing 2 is about to end, and the US economy is about to suffer some serious consequences.
But is this true, is Quantative Easing 2 really about to end? That is an important question that a lot of smart analysts out there are asking themselves right now.
Why? It is simple.
Remember back to Quantative Easing 1 when we were told it was needed and that would be the end.
Then only a day or so after Quantative Easing 1 finished, we were faced with more excuses from the government that more easing was needed.
And they termed this Quantative Easing 2.
Now here we are again, at the end of Quantative Easing 2.
We are starting to see the same trends again.
The government feeling the pressure and the banks still in trouble from the financial crisis hangover.
They are starting to panic.
Doing nothing will set the economy into a nose dive, while they have been telling everyone that the economy has recovered.
Even though they have been lying about the state of the economy there is not doubt in our minds that they will try and hold the economy up for longer.
Quantative Easing 2 did not really work anyway.
It is really just a false sense of security they have put in place so most people will believe their lies and propaganda about the US economy getting better.
When you look at the real statistics and unemployment rates it does not paint a pretty picture at all for the next few years.
But the government have a funny way of covering up this truth.
It is obvious that the government has used Quantative Easing 2 to buy more time.
And there is more time needed.
So there is a strong likelihood that more easing will be needed very soon.
Just listen to them and their language in the coming months.
If they do decide to do this, they will probably call it something completely different.
Because so many people in the public out there were angered last time this was going to occur.
How is it fair that we bailout the government and banks for their horrible mistakes?.
Why must the tax payer keep these criminal banks alive.
These are the banks that gave us free credit and got us into the world financial crisis in the first place.
Do you ever stop to think about that for just a second? The government and federal reserve to not work for the people.
They never have and never will.
They totally understand what they are doing.
They know that they can create order out of chaos.
The more Quantative Easing 2 type programs they put out there, the more the economy will suffer later.
When these types of monetary programs actually finish for good, the general public will really be in a world of hurt, then they have us right where they want us.
This is quite a sad situation.
But it is amazing to see that the sheeple out there keep falling for the tricks and lies of the government, time and time again.
While most people think they are doing the right thing, they are merely wanting to create order out of the chaos coming when the economy does in fact collapse very soon.
Get ready for Quantative Easing 3 it is coming whether you like it or not.
They have a hidden agenda, and keeping everyone in a false sense of security.
Quantative Easing 3 will shock a lot of people, but when you see the trends of what has been happening over the last few years, how can you be shocked.
Or have we been conned yet again into believing something, to have the rug pulled from right underneath us.
This is an important topic here in mid June.
Because there are many rumours and highly recommended brokers telling their clients that Quantative Easing 2 is about to end, and the US economy is about to suffer some serious consequences.
But is this true, is Quantative Easing 2 really about to end? That is an important question that a lot of smart analysts out there are asking themselves right now.
Why? It is simple.
Remember back to Quantative Easing 1 when we were told it was needed and that would be the end.
Then only a day or so after Quantative Easing 1 finished, we were faced with more excuses from the government that more easing was needed.
And they termed this Quantative Easing 2.
Now here we are again, at the end of Quantative Easing 2.
We are starting to see the same trends again.
The government feeling the pressure and the banks still in trouble from the financial crisis hangover.
They are starting to panic.
Doing nothing will set the economy into a nose dive, while they have been telling everyone that the economy has recovered.
Even though they have been lying about the state of the economy there is not doubt in our minds that they will try and hold the economy up for longer.
Quantative Easing 2 did not really work anyway.
It is really just a false sense of security they have put in place so most people will believe their lies and propaganda about the US economy getting better.
When you look at the real statistics and unemployment rates it does not paint a pretty picture at all for the next few years.
But the government have a funny way of covering up this truth.
It is obvious that the government has used Quantative Easing 2 to buy more time.
And there is more time needed.
So there is a strong likelihood that more easing will be needed very soon.
Just listen to them and their language in the coming months.
If they do decide to do this, they will probably call it something completely different.
Because so many people in the public out there were angered last time this was going to occur.
How is it fair that we bailout the government and banks for their horrible mistakes?.
Why must the tax payer keep these criminal banks alive.
These are the banks that gave us free credit and got us into the world financial crisis in the first place.
Do you ever stop to think about that for just a second? The government and federal reserve to not work for the people.
They never have and never will.
They totally understand what they are doing.
They know that they can create order out of chaos.
The more Quantative Easing 2 type programs they put out there, the more the economy will suffer later.
When these types of monetary programs actually finish for good, the general public will really be in a world of hurt, then they have us right where they want us.
This is quite a sad situation.
But it is amazing to see that the sheeple out there keep falling for the tricks and lies of the government, time and time again.
While most people think they are doing the right thing, they are merely wanting to create order out of the chaos coming when the economy does in fact collapse very soon.
Get ready for Quantative Easing 3 it is coming whether you like it or not.
They have a hidden agenda, and keeping everyone in a false sense of security.
Quantative Easing 3 will shock a lot of people, but when you see the trends of what has been happening over the last few years, how can you be shocked.