Weight Loss Alert - You Are Eating for More than One
Most people are more motivated to achieve success when the cause is greater than them. Be it caring for loved ones, work, or a group/cause you are part of, success often means appreciation by others for a job well done and that brings great satisfaction to you.
One of the keys to achieving lasting weight loss is realizing losing weight isn't just about you. Your ability to achieve lasting weight loss can have a domino effect not only on your immediate family, but also on thousands of people you don't even know and thousands (or more) not yet born.
Let me explain.
Whether you realize it or not, you have people that look up to you for a specific reason(s). Maybe it's your intelligence, looks, personality, ability to do something, kindness, etc. Some of these people are relatives, many are not. These people include people you know and complete strangers.
Who could these people be?
Some are your friends, neighbors or their kids. Others could be a store clerk you regularly see, fellow church member, coworker, etc. The list goes on and on, the point is you have a positive effect on more people than you realize. Don't believe me? Let's do a little exercise.
Think back to when you were a child. Remember a time when you saw someone do something that you admired them for, but didn't let them know. They had no idea the impact they had on you, but it was real. The same has happened to you, someone admires you for something you do, and you have no idea.
The second group is those not yet born, say what? How many times have you heard someone say, (maybe even yourself), "I'm just like my _______,"(Mom, Dad, Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt, Uncle etc.) Studies have show not only physical traits but also character traits and habits, be they good or bad, are past down to future generations. When people study family lines they tend to find successful people tend to have successful ancestors and those that struggle in life often have ancestors that did the same.
So what does all this have to do with lasting weight loss? Weight loss is not just about you, that is a fact. No matter what age you are, you have a chance to have a big impact on those around you and future generations. I'm not just talking about your descendents; I'm also talking about the descendents of others who may be inspired by your success.
Now that you understand the impact you have, are you starting to feel more motivated to lose weight and keep it off? Does that extra piece of pie or second helping sound as good knowing you are eating for thousands?  What if you approach every meal or snack thinking about how your eating habits will affect countless others? If your family has a history of obesity, what impact could you have on the health of future generations by making a change?
The choice is yours.
God bless.
One of the keys to achieving lasting weight loss is realizing losing weight isn't just about you. Your ability to achieve lasting weight loss can have a domino effect not only on your immediate family, but also on thousands of people you don't even know and thousands (or more) not yet born.
Let me explain.
Whether you realize it or not, you have people that look up to you for a specific reason(s). Maybe it's your intelligence, looks, personality, ability to do something, kindness, etc. Some of these people are relatives, many are not. These people include people you know and complete strangers.
Who could these people be?
Some are your friends, neighbors or their kids. Others could be a store clerk you regularly see, fellow church member, coworker, etc. The list goes on and on, the point is you have a positive effect on more people than you realize. Don't believe me? Let's do a little exercise.
Think back to when you were a child. Remember a time when you saw someone do something that you admired them for, but didn't let them know. They had no idea the impact they had on you, but it was real. The same has happened to you, someone admires you for something you do, and you have no idea.
The second group is those not yet born, say what? How many times have you heard someone say, (maybe even yourself), "I'm just like my _______,"(Mom, Dad, Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt, Uncle etc.) Studies have show not only physical traits but also character traits and habits, be they good or bad, are past down to future generations. When people study family lines they tend to find successful people tend to have successful ancestors and those that struggle in life often have ancestors that did the same.
So what does all this have to do with lasting weight loss? Weight loss is not just about you, that is a fact. No matter what age you are, you have a chance to have a big impact on those around you and future generations. I'm not just talking about your descendents; I'm also talking about the descendents of others who may be inspired by your success.
Now that you understand the impact you have, are you starting to feel more motivated to lose weight and keep it off? Does that extra piece of pie or second helping sound as good knowing you are eating for thousands?  What if you approach every meal or snack thinking about how your eating habits will affect countless others? If your family has a history of obesity, what impact could you have on the health of future generations by making a change?
The choice is yours.
God bless.