How To Approach Girls And Make Them Crazy For You
Getting a girl to be crazy about you takes a precise approach and most guys mess this up totally. If you aspire to get the hot ladies you have to approach from a cocky yetpoised position.
To learn how to approach girls and get them into you, your going to have to put away that Mr. nice guy in you . Women don't get turned on by men that are too nice to them. They don't get turned for men that act like their best friend either. These are the guys that get the call when the real dude they like blows them off and the guy friend gets to dry up the tears. Don't put yourself in that position in the first place.
Guys this is how its done. You have to approach confidently like you EXPECT things to go well. Think James Bond here he always gets the woman because he expects to and he brings them into his reality versus dwelling in theirs. Be bold but not rude be poised and open a conversation so you can move this situation forward.
Always make fun of her in a sarcastic way. Bust on her a little bit. This will set you apart from the majority of the other guys because they don't do this. They are too afraid to offend her so ruffle her feathers in a playful way (like 007 does) and don't back down if she gets uncomfortable. Just smirk and say "I'm only playing...relax you will live I'm only gonna do this to you the rest of the night!"
The most foremost thing when learning how to approach girls is to be sure you let her know you're not her puppy dog and that you are comfortable in your own skin with or without her and that you have high social worth too. Don't be scared to act disinterested at times just to let her know that your not all ga ga over her but yet pay close attention to her at other times like she is the only woman in the room. This is called Push Pull and it makes women crazy.
Establish control also. Once rapport is built test her and grab her by the hand and do a venue switch or just move to a different part of the room. If she goes with you without a challenge then its a pretty good sign that you are doing things correctly. Get her used to following your lead with small tests like this.
To learn how to approach girls and get them into you, your going to have to put away that Mr. nice guy in you . Women don't get turned on by men that are too nice to them. They don't get turned for men that act like their best friend either. These are the guys that get the call when the real dude they like blows them off and the guy friend gets to dry up the tears. Don't put yourself in that position in the first place.
Guys this is how its done. You have to approach confidently like you EXPECT things to go well. Think James Bond here he always gets the woman because he expects to and he brings them into his reality versus dwelling in theirs. Be bold but not rude be poised and open a conversation so you can move this situation forward.
Always make fun of her in a sarcastic way. Bust on her a little bit. This will set you apart from the majority of the other guys because they don't do this. They are too afraid to offend her so ruffle her feathers in a playful way (like 007 does) and don't back down if she gets uncomfortable. Just smirk and say "I'm only playing...relax you will live I'm only gonna do this to you the rest of the night!"
The most foremost thing when learning how to approach girls is to be sure you let her know you're not her puppy dog and that you are comfortable in your own skin with or without her and that you have high social worth too. Don't be scared to act disinterested at times just to let her know that your not all ga ga over her but yet pay close attention to her at other times like she is the only woman in the room. This is called Push Pull and it makes women crazy.
Establish control also. Once rapport is built test her and grab her by the hand and do a venue switch or just move to a different part of the room. If she goes with you without a challenge then its a pretty good sign that you are doing things correctly. Get her used to following your lead with small tests like this.