Are You Going To Thailand?
You have heard about Thailand for many, many years. And your friends have gone to Pattaya and have told you stories that you just cannot imagine (even though they are true). You have finally bolstered up the courage to travel half-way around the world to see if fantasy can be a reality.Hopefully you have done your homework. With the availability of the Internet, getting information is readily available. But you have to hunt all over the place to find it.You have to read the Bangkok Post and the Pattaya City News. You have to hang out in the forums reading and asking questions. You have to take the abuse from the old timers for the stupid newbie questions. You read so many things that you head spins and you are trying to sort out what is true and what is BS.You have enough to do with getting the plane ticket, passport, packing, and trying to remember everything.What you need is a Newbie's Guide. This book written specifically for you: the guy going to Pattaya for the very first time. Even if you have been there before, you will still find some good info and save some money.
You can find out where to go and, more importantly, where not to go. You will get recommendations on bars, go-go, restaurants and hotels.Find out how to get through Suvarnabhumi International Airport and to you waiting taxi with ease. You even get a map of the airport.You will also get trip reports. These update the basic book with current information and day-by-day experiences of the author.Think about it. What would you rather do; fight through a mob of people and only to be ripped off by the taxi mafia, or have a driver waiting for you at half the price?
Do you want to waste time going to bars and restaurants that are the pits? Do you know that you can get a hotel room for under $20 per night? Have you decided where in Pattaya you will stay north, central or south?Why spend hours, days, or weeks searching all over the Internet when you can get all the information you need in one downloadable eBook.The eBook will set you back $20 and you will save that much when you book your taxi with the email address I provide in the book.
You will save time and money knowing which bars to frequent and which restaurants to eat at. You will save money booking your hotel online.So, quit wasting your time surfing the 'net and pick up the eBook. It will make your Pattaya vacation so much better. Go crazy. Go Pattaya Crazy. Get the newbie's guie and save time and money. Have a great holiday.Be warned. Once you go to Pattaya, you will be addicted for life.
You can find out where to go and, more importantly, where not to go. You will get recommendations on bars, go-go, restaurants and hotels.Find out how to get through Suvarnabhumi International Airport and to you waiting taxi with ease. You even get a map of the airport.You will also get trip reports. These update the basic book with current information and day-by-day experiences of the author.Think about it. What would you rather do; fight through a mob of people and only to be ripped off by the taxi mafia, or have a driver waiting for you at half the price?
Do you want to waste time going to bars and restaurants that are the pits? Do you know that you can get a hotel room for under $20 per night? Have you decided where in Pattaya you will stay north, central or south?Why spend hours, days, or weeks searching all over the Internet when you can get all the information you need in one downloadable eBook.The eBook will set you back $20 and you will save that much when you book your taxi with the email address I provide in the book.
You will save time and money knowing which bars to frequent and which restaurants to eat at. You will save money booking your hotel online.So, quit wasting your time surfing the 'net and pick up the eBook. It will make your Pattaya vacation so much better. Go crazy. Go Pattaya Crazy. Get the newbie's guie and save time and money. Have a great holiday.Be warned. Once you go to Pattaya, you will be addicted for life.