How to Make Saline Nose Rinse
- 1). Purchase supplies. Bulb syringes can be found in any health and beauty section of chain stores or drug stores, and non-iodized salt and baking soda is located in grocery stores or natural food centers.
- 2). Add 1/4 teaspoon salt and 1/8 teaspoon baking soda to 1 cup of warm water and stir until dissolved. Use lukewarm water for salt to fully dissolve and to be comfortable when injected into the nostrils.
- 3). Fill the rubber bulb syringe with saline solution by inserting the tip into the fluid, squeezing the bulb, and letting go. It is not necessary to completely fill the bulb syringe with the saline nose rinse.
- 4). To use the saline solution: lean over the sink, slightly tip head down and to one side and insert the bulb tip just inside the upper nostril. Squeeze the syringe gently and fluid should enter that nostril and exit the other. If it starts to go down the throat, simply tip the head further down.
- 5). Turn the head so the other nostril is upward and repeat. Use a tissue to gently blow the nose and remove mucus build-up.