How to Remove Sharpie Stains From Cotton
- 1). Mist a thick layer of hairspray over the Sharpie stain. Blot vigorously with a paper towel, using a fresh piece of paper towel with each blot. Continue until no more Sharpie residue transfers onto the paper towels.
- 2). Saturate an area of paper towel with rubbing alcohol, and continue blotting over the stain.
- 3). Flush the stain with cold water. For loose fabric, run under cold tap water. For stains on upholstery or similar fabrics, soak a cleaning rag with cold water, and blot over the stain.
- 4). Apply a thick layer of toothpaste onto the stain if any remains, and scrub in with a toothbrush. Repeat until the entire Sharpie marker stain dissolves.
- 5). Flush the area once more with cold water. Run loose fabric under cold tap water or soak a cleaning rag in cold water and blot over the cleaned area.