Job Creating By Government - It Ain"t Going To Happen
Many people believe that the government can create jobs, but I would submit to you that every job they create actually kills jobs in the private sector.
How can I say this you ask? Well, perhaps you have fallen for the same line of reasoning that politicians have been stating in trying to get elected and re-elected.
They stand up at the podium, and promised that they will create jobs.
Well, it is true that government can create jobs - they can hire people - and spend taxpayers' money.
Still, have you ever considered the fact that when government raises taxes to grow itself bigger and support the larger blob of bureaucracy that they are taking away money from consumers and businesses? When consumers and businesses don't have money to spend they don't buy anything, and they can't spend money they don't have, money which has been previously stolen from them in the name of taxes, and perhaps even earmarked in the name of job creation.
The reality is it simply isn't so, each time government raises taxes - it kills more jobs.
There was an interesting article in the World Policy Journal Summer 2013 edition, a section titled "Unchanging" and a specific article titled; "The Big Question - Manufacturing Jobs - What Is the Best Way to Create Jobs?" by Ana Maria.
The best way for government to create more jobs is to stop taxing people so much, to start getting out of the way of small business, and to reduce rules and regulations.
Simply reducing taxes and rules and regulations on small businesses will create lots of jobs.
After all, government only employees less than 10% of the population, and small businesses employee 65% of the population, and 10% of the people in our society own a small business thus, creating their own job.
Where do the other jobs come from - from large corporations.
When consumers and businesses have more money they can partake in the goods and services produced by large corporations.
When more people have jobs, the government has a larger tax base therefore theoretically they could lower taxes for everyone by lowering the percentage of the money they collect from each individual.
Unfortunately they never do that.
They always want to grow the size of government and increase taxes.
Do you doubt this? Why not look at all the socialist leaning of the governments in the European Union, and look what they've done to destroy free enterprise, jobs, and put themselves in an economic world of hurt.
Just look at the tax rates in those countries; ouch! This is why whenever I read magazines, mostly written by left-leaning writers who've never owned their own businesses, I just cringe.
Why don't they teach free-market economics in our schools anymore? We seem to have this neoliberal socialist agenda going on.
Worse, people are actually falling for this nonsense.
Please consider all this and think on it.
How can I say this you ask? Well, perhaps you have fallen for the same line of reasoning that politicians have been stating in trying to get elected and re-elected.
They stand up at the podium, and promised that they will create jobs.
Well, it is true that government can create jobs - they can hire people - and spend taxpayers' money.
Still, have you ever considered the fact that when government raises taxes to grow itself bigger and support the larger blob of bureaucracy that they are taking away money from consumers and businesses? When consumers and businesses don't have money to spend they don't buy anything, and they can't spend money they don't have, money which has been previously stolen from them in the name of taxes, and perhaps even earmarked in the name of job creation.
The reality is it simply isn't so, each time government raises taxes - it kills more jobs.
There was an interesting article in the World Policy Journal Summer 2013 edition, a section titled "Unchanging" and a specific article titled; "The Big Question - Manufacturing Jobs - What Is the Best Way to Create Jobs?" by Ana Maria.
The best way for government to create more jobs is to stop taxing people so much, to start getting out of the way of small business, and to reduce rules and regulations.
Simply reducing taxes and rules and regulations on small businesses will create lots of jobs.
After all, government only employees less than 10% of the population, and small businesses employee 65% of the population, and 10% of the people in our society own a small business thus, creating their own job.
Where do the other jobs come from - from large corporations.
When consumers and businesses have more money they can partake in the goods and services produced by large corporations.
When more people have jobs, the government has a larger tax base therefore theoretically they could lower taxes for everyone by lowering the percentage of the money they collect from each individual.
Unfortunately they never do that.
They always want to grow the size of government and increase taxes.
Do you doubt this? Why not look at all the socialist leaning of the governments in the European Union, and look what they've done to destroy free enterprise, jobs, and put themselves in an economic world of hurt.
Just look at the tax rates in those countries; ouch! This is why whenever I read magazines, mostly written by left-leaning writers who've never owned their own businesses, I just cringe.
Why don't they teach free-market economics in our schools anymore? We seem to have this neoliberal socialist agenda going on.
Worse, people are actually falling for this nonsense.
Please consider all this and think on it.