How to Reopen a Closed Probate
- 1). Review the information about the newly discovered asset and determine if it needs to be put through the probate process. Life insurance, annuities and retirement accounts name beneficiaries personally; probate doesn’t apply to these assets, and you can work directly with the asset administrator.
- 2). Go to the probate court where the estate was closed and request a “Petition to Reopen an Estate” from the clerk. This form may be called something different since each county probate office operates independently; explain to the clerk what you are doing to get the right form.
- 3). Complete the form with all pertinent information regarding the deceased, original estate petition number and new asset and beneficiary designations.
- 4). Sign the form as the executor of the estate and submit it to the clerk for court filing. Pay any filing fees for the petition.
- 5). Wait for reassignment of the estate petition to the same or a new trustee. Follow his directives on closing out the last assets of the estate.