How To Increase Your Mlm And Network Marketing Leads By 300r More
How is your MLM or network marketing doing? Whether you are struggling or you are already enjoying success what would you say if we told you that we can increase your MLM and network marketing by as much as 300% or more by creating a magnetic capture page to generate solid leads. You'll want to read on!
Let's be clear here - you're marketing leads are what will make or break your business. Your capture page or squeeze page is what is going to get you those ever so important leads. The single most important thing to your MLM business is your capture page.
Make your capture page your landing page for your site. Your goal is to capture the email addresses of those that visit your capture page, but to do this you are going to have them something enticing. Those email addresses become your leads.
The average squeeze page has a 5% conversion but you increase that conversion rate to 300% or more if you build your squeeze page right. There are 3 key components that your capture page must have:
Overall Offer which is in the headline. It should be benefit orientated.
A field for email opts in should be placed as high as possible on the page.
Design should be simple.
What counts in the conversion of your network marketing leads to paying customers is to ensure you have targeted traffic reaching your landing page and that there is a demand for what you are selling. Ask yourself:
What is my target audience having trouble with?
Are there any products on the market that can solve that problem?
How can I create a headline that is reader orientated while sounding credible and hype-free?
Ideas for your magnetic capture page would include:
Video squeeze page - An excellent way to engage your visitor quickly and will offer a quick conversion boost from your MLM leads.
Audio - This is an instant lead builder for network marketing sites.
Graphic - Creating a squeeze page that has a strong graphical call to action can bring you tons of solid leads.
Try it Free - This niche orientated page brings you focused MLM and network marketing leads.
Discount - Discount Is one of the most profitable network marketing leads lists. You won't joint this type of list unless you are interested in the product.
If you want increase your MLM and network marketing by 300% or more you'll want to implement these proven strategies.
Let's be clear here - you're marketing leads are what will make or break your business. Your capture page or squeeze page is what is going to get you those ever so important leads. The single most important thing to your MLM business is your capture page.
Make your capture page your landing page for your site. Your goal is to capture the email addresses of those that visit your capture page, but to do this you are going to have them something enticing. Those email addresses become your leads.
The average squeeze page has a 5% conversion but you increase that conversion rate to 300% or more if you build your squeeze page right. There are 3 key components that your capture page must have:
Overall Offer which is in the headline. It should be benefit orientated.
A field for email opts in should be placed as high as possible on the page.
Design should be simple.
What counts in the conversion of your network marketing leads to paying customers is to ensure you have targeted traffic reaching your landing page and that there is a demand for what you are selling. Ask yourself:
What is my target audience having trouble with?
Are there any products on the market that can solve that problem?
How can I create a headline that is reader orientated while sounding credible and hype-free?
Ideas for your magnetic capture page would include:
Video squeeze page - An excellent way to engage your visitor quickly and will offer a quick conversion boost from your MLM leads.
Audio - This is an instant lead builder for network marketing sites.
Graphic - Creating a squeeze page that has a strong graphical call to action can bring you tons of solid leads.
Try it Free - This niche orientated page brings you focused MLM and network marketing leads.
Discount - Discount Is one of the most profitable network marketing leads lists. You won't joint this type of list unless you are interested in the product.
If you want increase your MLM and network marketing by 300% or more you'll want to implement these proven strategies.