What Type of Grass Seed to Plant in Negaunee, Michigan?
- More people in Michigan plant Kentucky bluegrass than any other lawn. It has a high tolerance for cold, so it's an especially good choice for the Negaunee area. Since it can take several months to germinate, it's often planted with perennial ryegrass, which germinates in one to two weeks.
- Perennial ryegrass lawns require little maintenance. In addition, ryegrass germinates quickly, and it is resistant to disease and insects. Perennial ryegrass is also highly resistant to wear.
- Fine-leafed fescues prefer dry, shady lawns. They don't need as much care as bluegrasses do, but fine fescue lawns can grow thin if they're over-fertilized, over-watered or attacked by leafspot disease. In addition, fine fescue lawns aren't resistant to wear. For these reasons, it's often grown with Kentucky bluegrass.
Kentucky Bluegrass
Fine Fescue