Food Stamp Family Limits
- Benefits amounts are determined using the “Thrifty Food Plan,” a diet based on the National Academy of Sciences’ Recommended Dietary Allowances, according to the USDA.
- The USDA indicates that the allotment for each household is determined by deducting 30 percent of the net income of that household from the maximum allotment allowed for a household of that size.
- In fiscal year 2008, the average monthly allotment was approximately $101 per person and about $227 for each household, according to the USDA.
- From October 2009 through September 2010, the maximum allotment for one person is $200, for five people it is $793, and $1,202 for eight people. An additional $150 may be provided for each additional person in that household.
- The USDA provides an online pre-screening tool to help individuals determine eligibility. It is not an application, and only provides estimates. Individuals should contact the local SNAP office to complete an application.
- A household's income and expenses--such as mortgage or rent, utilities, child or elder care and sometimes medical--are taken into consideration when determining benefits.
Average Benefits