Increasing Your Marketing Effectiveness When Working Online
When working online it is always important to do what you can to increase your marketing effectiveness. Marketing on the internet involves many tasks that need to be done and some can be very time consuming. It therefore only makes sense to always try to get the most out of any efforts you invest. Since our ultimate objective is to convince people to do business with us we must first put them in the right frame of mind by focusing on their convenience and comfort. When people are relaxed and content they will be more receptive to any marketing message presented them.
Here are 5 things to be considered when marketing on the internet that will help 'set the stage' for a more enjoyable customer experience leading to an increase in sales.
Respect Others Time
People online typically scan more than they read since there is so much to see and it is all available at the click of a mouse. Besides that, like you and I they have other things to do. With that being said be sure your pages load quickly and your content gets right to the point before people decide to leave your page without viewing anything. How can your marketing message have any effect when nobody even sees it?
Make Layout 'User Friendly'
Post content that is useful for the people and not blatant advertising about the business you are representing. For starters since these visitors do not even know you that simply do not care! True that you may be advertising your business but the site design needs to one with the user in mind. Offer then information that is interesting or useful or both and make the layout easy to navigate. One other note is to avoid 'overly' using graphics or bright colors since this is both distracting and stressful on the eyes!
Relevant & Useful Content
Keep your content relevant to the ad that attracted your visitor and as mentioned above offer useful or otherwise intriguing information. You do not want people to feel they have wasted their time after leaving your site.
Engage People
The best way to keep people from leaving your page is to engage them in some manner. You want to capture their interest or curiosity to get them to read further down the page. By asking questions or making thought provoking comments you are 'drawing' people further into the 'conversation' compelling them to read more. Remember the only way to get an increase in sales is to be sure your marketing message has been delivered and this can not be done if people do not read your content!
By going out into your selected niche and interacting with others you stand to learn more about current events, marketing tips and even attract additional traffic to your site. When working online it can be easy to stay 'busy' with your day to day tasks thereby neglecting any 'interfacing' opportunities which could benefit you greatly! Be conscious of this and make the effort to leave time for networking with others!
Constantly striving to improve your marketing effectiveness when working online always makes good business sense. You can get more out of the same amount of effort by ensuring site visitors have a comfortable experience. In doing this they will be more receptive to your marketing message thereby leading to an increase in sales for you. The 5 things discussed above are considerations that take into account a persons convenience and comfort level when they are visiting your site. Your are in affect rolling out the welcome mat and taking measures to be sure people feel welcomed, find what they are looking for and without wasting their time.
Here are 5 things to be considered when marketing on the internet that will help 'set the stage' for a more enjoyable customer experience leading to an increase in sales.
Respect Others Time
People online typically scan more than they read since there is so much to see and it is all available at the click of a mouse. Besides that, like you and I they have other things to do. With that being said be sure your pages load quickly and your content gets right to the point before people decide to leave your page without viewing anything. How can your marketing message have any effect when nobody even sees it?
Make Layout 'User Friendly'
Post content that is useful for the people and not blatant advertising about the business you are representing. For starters since these visitors do not even know you that simply do not care! True that you may be advertising your business but the site design needs to one with the user in mind. Offer then information that is interesting or useful or both and make the layout easy to navigate. One other note is to avoid 'overly' using graphics or bright colors since this is both distracting and stressful on the eyes!
Relevant & Useful Content
Keep your content relevant to the ad that attracted your visitor and as mentioned above offer useful or otherwise intriguing information. You do not want people to feel they have wasted their time after leaving your site.
Engage People
The best way to keep people from leaving your page is to engage them in some manner. You want to capture their interest or curiosity to get them to read further down the page. By asking questions or making thought provoking comments you are 'drawing' people further into the 'conversation' compelling them to read more. Remember the only way to get an increase in sales is to be sure your marketing message has been delivered and this can not be done if people do not read your content!
By going out into your selected niche and interacting with others you stand to learn more about current events, marketing tips and even attract additional traffic to your site. When working online it can be easy to stay 'busy' with your day to day tasks thereby neglecting any 'interfacing' opportunities which could benefit you greatly! Be conscious of this and make the effort to leave time for networking with others!
Constantly striving to improve your marketing effectiveness when working online always makes good business sense. You can get more out of the same amount of effort by ensuring site visitors have a comfortable experience. In doing this they will be more receptive to your marketing message thereby leading to an increase in sales for you. The 5 things discussed above are considerations that take into account a persons convenience and comfort level when they are visiting your site. Your are in affect rolling out the welcome mat and taking measures to be sure people feel welcomed, find what they are looking for and without wasting their time.