Can you find the best car insurance for you? Well, it depends. What you want to do is find car insurance that covers your needs exactly, for the lowest premiums possible. Therefore, let's take a look at how you can find insurance companies that will cover your needs and provide you the best value for the money.
First of all, everyone, no matter who they are, needs liability insurance that covers both personal injury and property damage. You need this in the event you're involved in an accident and are found at fault. Keep in mind that this is not going to cover any damage to your car. It's simply meant to pay the other party damages should they become injured or need repairs done to their car because of damage you caused from the accident.
Now, on to insurance that actually covers your car itself. If your car is new, less than two years old, or not paid off yet, you're going to want and need to find a company that will cover you fully in the event you need your car replaced. In this case, you're going to need both comprehensive and collision insurance. Comprehensive insurance covers your car for things like hail, weather damage, vandalism, and so on. Typically, these are "non-driving" types of damage incidents for your car.
Collision insurance covers your car in the event of an accident whether or not you are at fault. (Note that this is different from liability insurance, which covers the other party in the accident for both property damage and personal injury damages in the event you're found at fault.) What this means is that you're sure to get your vehicle replaced or repaired beyond any deductible you pay if you should damage your car in a moving vehicle accident.
Now, there are times when you're not going to want either collision or comprehensive coverage for your car. If the value of your car is less than the premiums you pay for it within a year or so (including deductible), it's not worth covering with comprehensive or collision insurance. This is because the money you save on premiums by simply carrying liability insurance and nothing else is going to be money you can put in the bank to repair or replace the car yourself. This is a good idea if you're someone who drives an older car that's fully paid off and that doesn't cost you any money beyond maintenance, gas and oil. In that case, you're better off putting the money that you would normally spend in extra premiums toward the purchase of another car if this one is rendered undrivable in an accident.
Finally, shop around for car insurance. Even for the exact same coverage in the exact same area of the country, different insurance companies are going to give you different premium rates. The Internet is a great way to comparison shop and find a good deal so that you're paying lowest premiums for the greatest amount of coverage you need. When you comparison shop, make sure you read reviews of insurance company performance as well, so that you're sure the company you eventually sign up with truly does provide good service to its customers.
First of all, everyone, no matter who they are, needs liability insurance that covers both personal injury and property damage. You need this in the event you're involved in an accident and are found at fault. Keep in mind that this is not going to cover any damage to your car. It's simply meant to pay the other party damages should they become injured or need repairs done to their car because of damage you caused from the accident.
Now, on to insurance that actually covers your car itself. If your car is new, less than two years old, or not paid off yet, you're going to want and need to find a company that will cover you fully in the event you need your car replaced. In this case, you're going to need both comprehensive and collision insurance. Comprehensive insurance covers your car for things like hail, weather damage, vandalism, and so on. Typically, these are "non-driving" types of damage incidents for your car.
Collision insurance covers your car in the event of an accident whether or not you are at fault. (Note that this is different from liability insurance, which covers the other party in the accident for both property damage and personal injury damages in the event you're found at fault.) What this means is that you're sure to get your vehicle replaced or repaired beyond any deductible you pay if you should damage your car in a moving vehicle accident.
Now, there are times when you're not going to want either collision or comprehensive coverage for your car. If the value of your car is less than the premiums you pay for it within a year or so (including deductible), it's not worth covering with comprehensive or collision insurance. This is because the money you save on premiums by simply carrying liability insurance and nothing else is going to be money you can put in the bank to repair or replace the car yourself. This is a good idea if you're someone who drives an older car that's fully paid off and that doesn't cost you any money beyond maintenance, gas and oil. In that case, you're better off putting the money that you would normally spend in extra premiums toward the purchase of another car if this one is rendered undrivable in an accident.
Finally, shop around for car insurance. Even for the exact same coverage in the exact same area of the country, different insurance companies are going to give you different premium rates. The Internet is a great way to comparison shop and find a good deal so that you're paying lowest premiums for the greatest amount of coverage you need. When you comparison shop, make sure you read reviews of insurance company performance as well, so that you're sure the company you eventually sign up with truly does provide good service to its customers.