Pay Attention To Your Letter Writing Skills
Introduction of electronic communications has and adverse effect on our performance in communication skills.
By electrical means now its easy to send your text to large distance in matter of seconds.
But in this race of faster communication somewhere we have lost what important parameters should be there in our communications.
Now we are writing letters in e-mails but unfortunately standard of letters is not up to the mark.
Its really tragic that we focus on transmitting our text to larger distance without taking care of what it will portray our image there.
If you are writing professional letter and it is not written in proper format then there is very strong chance that your purpose of communication will fail.
For example, if you are applying for job and you are writing letter to the employer and it includes some basic mistakes then it is sure that your application will be rejected.
Similarly its importance increases if we are dealing with some more serious issues (medical or legal, etc).
So we reach to conclusion that we should improve our letter writing skills and should effectively communicate with other people.
We spend lot of time in thinking what should be the fastest way of sending letters but we should also spend time in writing it.
Proof reading should be done after every letter you write.
In computers there are lot of programs which offer free spell check, you must use this fantastic service.
At least your letter should be free of spelling mistakes.
Actually when we start to understand the importance of anything then solution becomes visible to us.
So main idea is that we should start moving right direction and we should give importance to the things which are really important for us.
By electrical means now its easy to send your text to large distance in matter of seconds.
But in this race of faster communication somewhere we have lost what important parameters should be there in our communications.
Now we are writing letters in e-mails but unfortunately standard of letters is not up to the mark.
Its really tragic that we focus on transmitting our text to larger distance without taking care of what it will portray our image there.
If you are writing professional letter and it is not written in proper format then there is very strong chance that your purpose of communication will fail.
For example, if you are applying for job and you are writing letter to the employer and it includes some basic mistakes then it is sure that your application will be rejected.
Similarly its importance increases if we are dealing with some more serious issues (medical or legal, etc).
So we reach to conclusion that we should improve our letter writing skills and should effectively communicate with other people.
We spend lot of time in thinking what should be the fastest way of sending letters but we should also spend time in writing it.
Proof reading should be done after every letter you write.
In computers there are lot of programs which offer free spell check, you must use this fantastic service.
At least your letter should be free of spelling mistakes.
Actually when we start to understand the importance of anything then solution becomes visible to us.
So main idea is that we should start moving right direction and we should give importance to the things which are really important for us.