The Benefits of Laser Liposuction
This new form of liposuction offers many benefits beyond the typical liposuction method to your appearance and your body. If you are thinking of, or have already decided to get liposuction done, then you should certainly consider using laser liposuction as it is far superior to some of the other types of lipo. Not only can you expect better results, but you can expect those results quicker than ever before.
First of all, we will discuss the benefits that the newer version versus the older version of this type of liposuction procedure has on your appearance. One of the key aspects is the lack of scars, or at least scars that are smaller than they would have been with the older version.
This is because of the smaller incisions necessary, and the fact that most of the procedure involves only the laser penetrating through the skin to the fatty cells. This also helps in reducing the amount of bruising you experience post treatment. Since there is less bruising and swelling with this new procedure, you can expect to see full results quicker than you would have with the old treatment.
Another benefit to your appearance is that the effects of this procedure will not fade away. The laser works underneath your skin and actually removes these fat cells. And since these fat cells are only formed during childhood and adolescence, once they are removed, they are gone forever. The laser is more defined and precise than instruments previously used, your result will be more of what you desire. If you have specific requests for your surgeon, he or she now has the ability to more closely deliver the results you are looking for.
Next, the biggest priority is your health and body and this new type of treatment helps to preserve and enhance both. The procedure is not as hard on your body as it previously was. You do not have to be on anesthesia, which always poses some risk, to have the treatment done, though you are provided with a medication that helps reduce the pain. You will be fully awake and alert while the treatment is being done.
Another benefit is you do not lose blood like in the previous procedure. Blood loss during surgery can always be somewhat risky to your health. You will be able to resume normal activity within one to two days after your procedure, and you will not have the annoyance of experiencing a lot of discomfort or tenderness afterward.
First of all, we will discuss the benefits that the newer version versus the older version of this type of liposuction procedure has on your appearance. One of the key aspects is the lack of scars, or at least scars that are smaller than they would have been with the older version.
This is because of the smaller incisions necessary, and the fact that most of the procedure involves only the laser penetrating through the skin to the fatty cells. This also helps in reducing the amount of bruising you experience post treatment. Since there is less bruising and swelling with this new procedure, you can expect to see full results quicker than you would have with the old treatment.
Another benefit to your appearance is that the effects of this procedure will not fade away. The laser works underneath your skin and actually removes these fat cells. And since these fat cells are only formed during childhood and adolescence, once they are removed, they are gone forever. The laser is more defined and precise than instruments previously used, your result will be more of what you desire. If you have specific requests for your surgeon, he or she now has the ability to more closely deliver the results you are looking for.
Next, the biggest priority is your health and body and this new type of treatment helps to preserve and enhance both. The procedure is not as hard on your body as it previously was. You do not have to be on anesthesia, which always poses some risk, to have the treatment done, though you are provided with a medication that helps reduce the pain. You will be fully awake and alert while the treatment is being done.
Another benefit is you do not lose blood like in the previous procedure. Blood loss during surgery can always be somewhat risky to your health. You will be able to resume normal activity within one to two days after your procedure, and you will not have the annoyance of experiencing a lot of discomfort or tenderness afterward.