Internet Safety for Teenagers
- Although this sounds like an obvious rule, children and teens who use the Internet frequently want to use their real name to connect with friends from school or a job, and don't realize that although this will help their friends reach them, it will also make them an easy target for an Internet predator. Make sure to discuss with your teen how important their identity is, and think of appropriate Internet "handles" they can use without compromising their individuality.
- Although teens might be tempted to give out their phone number or address to a friend they met in an online forum or game, it is very important they keep such personal information to themselves. Explain to your teen that while these people might seem nice on the forum or game where the teen met them, you cannot be sure of their identity, and giving out your phone number or address can have dire consequences, especially if the person they met online is unscrupulous.
- This is probably the most important Internet safety rule of all, and it is the one most often ignored by teenagers. Though a provocative bathing suit photo or picture of an ex-boyfriend or girlfriend in a compromising position may seem innocent now, teens need to know once something is uploaded, it may never be taken down. Any image that is uploaded can be saved by a third party, or stored on a server, even after the user marks it for deletion. If the image is tagged with the user's identity, it could be viewed by anyone, including teachers, potential employers or even family members.
Never Use Real Name
Don't Reveal Personal Information
Be Careful What You Upload