Guidelines On How To Groom Your Cat
Cat's fur Cats spend most of their time by grooming themselves through licking dirt and excess fur on their coat.
But, we all know that this is not enough.
We should know how to properly brush and comb their fur.
Basically, short-haired cats are much easier to groom than the long-haired ones.
That is why we have to be aware of our pet's breed in order to know how to take care of them properly.
First, you should know the difference between a cat comb and cat brush.
The cat comb is used to untangle unnecessary knots, excess hair and dirt from the coat.
The latter, on the other hand, is used to fluff up the fur to make it smooth and clean.
In short, the brush is for the finishing touches.
Using such grooming apparatus will shelter the natural body oils of your cat.
Its soft bristles will gently remove the tangles and will make a healthy coat.
And most importantly, it will keep your cat from having a hairball, since it will not be swallowing as much hair as before when it is grooming itself.
If you have a long-haired cat, brushing its fur will be more difficult and the process may take a bit longer.
You may do the grooming everyday or every two days and it should take about 10 to 20 minutes each session.
However, if you own the short-haired type, you should groom it once a week and it should take about 5 to 10 minutes.
When you start grooming your cat, you should consider some things.
First, place your cat on a space where it finds itself comfortable.
Some may like to be placed on a table or bench, while others love to be brushed while lying on their owner's lap.
Next, gently comb its coat from head to toe.
Never pull too hard when you encounter some hard knots, this may distress the cat.
And lastly, use the brush to do the finishing touches.
Cat's ears When cleaning your pet's ears, use a cotton swab to get rid of the dirt and wax.
Just remember to never go deeper to the area that you cannot see when cleaning.
This may hurt your cat and cause some permanent damage to its hearing.
This routine should be done once a month.
When you bathe your cat, don't forget to use cotton balls to prevent water from getting into its ears.
And lastly, avoid getting its ears and eyes from getting wet unless it is really necessary to do so.
Cat's teeth The mouth is one of the dirtiest parts of their body since they intake different food through it.
And not brushing their teeth may promote bacteria build up and this could cause loss of teeth.
Thus, brushing their teeth may prevent various diseases from inflecting you beloved pet.
This routine should be done every week.
Many cats are not used to this practice so, you should introduce it slowly and keep the sessions as brief as possible.
To properly perform this process, remember to brush the teeth gently on the outer surface.
Never brush on the inside not until your pet is used to it.
Brush on a circular motion from the lower part of the gums to the tip of the teeth.
Always take note of its gums.
If this part has a foul odor, swollen, bleeding has dark spots and sores, then your cat has a gum disease.
When you observe such symptoms happening to your pet, consult your vet immediately.
This disease is caused by tartar and plaque build up that infects the roots of the teeth and eventually, the gums.
But, we all know that this is not enough.
We should know how to properly brush and comb their fur.
Basically, short-haired cats are much easier to groom than the long-haired ones.
That is why we have to be aware of our pet's breed in order to know how to take care of them properly.
First, you should know the difference between a cat comb and cat brush.
The cat comb is used to untangle unnecessary knots, excess hair and dirt from the coat.
The latter, on the other hand, is used to fluff up the fur to make it smooth and clean.
In short, the brush is for the finishing touches.
Using such grooming apparatus will shelter the natural body oils of your cat.
Its soft bristles will gently remove the tangles and will make a healthy coat.
And most importantly, it will keep your cat from having a hairball, since it will not be swallowing as much hair as before when it is grooming itself.
If you have a long-haired cat, brushing its fur will be more difficult and the process may take a bit longer.
You may do the grooming everyday or every two days and it should take about 10 to 20 minutes each session.
However, if you own the short-haired type, you should groom it once a week and it should take about 5 to 10 minutes.
When you start grooming your cat, you should consider some things.
First, place your cat on a space where it finds itself comfortable.
Some may like to be placed on a table or bench, while others love to be brushed while lying on their owner's lap.
Next, gently comb its coat from head to toe.
Never pull too hard when you encounter some hard knots, this may distress the cat.
And lastly, use the brush to do the finishing touches.
Cat's ears When cleaning your pet's ears, use a cotton swab to get rid of the dirt and wax.
Just remember to never go deeper to the area that you cannot see when cleaning.
This may hurt your cat and cause some permanent damage to its hearing.
This routine should be done once a month.
When you bathe your cat, don't forget to use cotton balls to prevent water from getting into its ears.
And lastly, avoid getting its ears and eyes from getting wet unless it is really necessary to do so.
Cat's teeth The mouth is one of the dirtiest parts of their body since they intake different food through it.
And not brushing their teeth may promote bacteria build up and this could cause loss of teeth.
Thus, brushing their teeth may prevent various diseases from inflecting you beloved pet.
This routine should be done every week.
Many cats are not used to this practice so, you should introduce it slowly and keep the sessions as brief as possible.
To properly perform this process, remember to brush the teeth gently on the outer surface.
Never brush on the inside not until your pet is used to it.
Brush on a circular motion from the lower part of the gums to the tip of the teeth.
Always take note of its gums.
If this part has a foul odor, swollen, bleeding has dark spots and sores, then your cat has a gum disease.
When you observe such symptoms happening to your pet, consult your vet immediately.
This disease is caused by tartar and plaque build up that infects the roots of the teeth and eventually, the gums.