Send char to another application
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The following code is used to insert a character into another application - Notepad.
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject) ;
var g,d:integer;
 {Find the main window of the Application}
 g:=FindWindow('Notepad',nil) ;
 {Find the window of the application's text box}
 d:=ChildWindowFromPoint(g,point(50,50)) ;
 {Now send it a character!!}
 SendMessage(d,WM_CHAR,Ord('A'),0) ;
Delphi tips navigator:
» Week number calculating
« Standard Dialogs: changing default button title
The following code is used to insert a character into another application - Notepad.
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject) ;
var g,d:integer;
 {Find the main window of the Application}
 g:=FindWindow('Notepad',nil) ;
 {Find the window of the application's text box}
 d:=ChildWindowFromPoint(g,point(50,50)) ;
 {Now send it a character!!}
 SendMessage(d,WM_CHAR,Ord('A'),0) ;
Delphi tips navigator:
» Week number calculating
« Standard Dialogs: changing default button title