Do I Require a Sponsor Affidavit for a Visa Application?
- Those desiring an "immediate relative immigrant visa" must have an affidavit of support filed. The law does not limit the number of immediate relative immigrant visas issued each fiscal year. The sponsor's spouse, children under 21, adopted orphans and the sponsor's parents are immediate relatives. A person must be at least 21 years old to sponsor parents.
- Each year, the government limits the number of "family preference immigrant visas" issued. The visa issued depends on the preference group. Unmarried children and minor grandchildren of U.S. citizens receive an F1 visa. Children over 21 and the spouses of legal, permanent residents qualify for a F2 visa. Married children and their families of U.S. citizens qualify for a F3 Visa. The siblings of U.S. citizens and the sibling's family qualify for the F4 visa.
- Immigrants with at least a 5 percent ownership interest in employment entity receive an employment-based preference visa. A U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident files the petition.
Immediate Relative Visas
Family Preference Immigrant Visas
Employment Preference Visas