How to Use Shelves As Cat Trees
- 1). Measure the height of your ceiling. Decide where you want to set up your homemade cat tree. Cats enjoy looking outside and all around the room. You can set up a climbing tree near windows or in the corner of your home to keep it out of the way.
- 2). Purchase shelving at your local hardware store. Buy different sizes of shelving, so that they act as steps for the cat to get to the top. Make sure that your shelving has all the proper hanging attachments.
- 3). Use leftover carpet or carpet segments for covering your cat tree. You can buy remnants at a carpet store or ask if they have any extra pieces in the back. Place the shelve face down on the backside of the carpet. Cut the fabric, so that it covers both the top and bottom of the shelf.
- 4). Glue the carpet to the wood shelving with a strong glue like wood glue. Cut out small holes the size of your hanging attachments in the back of the shelf.
- 5). Run an electronic wall stud sensor over the back of the wall to locate your wall studs. Drill two holes for each step into the wall studs and insert a toggle bolt. Hang the shelving up and allow enough room for your cat to be able to step up to the shelving to the top.